
Economics articles featuring analysis of the global censorship industrial complex, impacts on public health, free trade, liberty, and policy.

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Journey through an Exposed America

Journey through an Exposed America


The dominant tribe in much of America, and much of the Western world, is a band of supplicants to their cause. They wish to censor, restrict, control, and mandate because they have chosen a path of compliance and resent those who did not. There is nothing new in this, in historic terms, and the response is similarly established. Choosing humanity over rhetoric is the best way to prepare for whatever comes next.

Journey through an Exposed America Read More

Eggs with a Side of Vindication

Oysters with a Side of Vindication


Oofy turned his attention to his second plate of oysters, then looked me in the eye. “The only thing that was 95% effective was the government propaganda. And of course the margin loans we all used to make squillions on the pharma share price gains. Don’t tell me you missed that boat too, Wooster. Good lord, you are a chump. Even the PM was in on it. His wife held the shares of course. Pass the lemon, there’s a good chap.”

Oysters with a Side of Vindication Read More

Money's Grim Future

Money’s Grim Future


Viewing the importance of money through this lens of freedom and impact on the future, we could easily see that those with truly the most to lose were largely not present at the workshop. The young adults – whose lives will be impacted the most gravely should the economic stranglehold ensue – will not make their financial decisions freely according to their own obligations, their own goals, and their own dreams.

Money’s Grim Future Read More

REPPARE University of Leeds - Brownstone Institute

The True Costs of Pandemic Prevention and Response


Given the poor evidence underlying pandemic cost and financing estimates, it is prudent not to rush into new pandemic initiatives until underlying assumptions and broad claims of a return on investment are properly assessed. These must be based on robust evidence, recognized need, and realistic measures of risk. WHO Member States will be better served by having transparent estimates that reflect reality and risk before they engage in such an uncertain and high-cost endeavour.

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Strong Economy? Think Again

Strong Economy? Think Again


It should be evident by now that the “strong” economy of the last several years was nothing of the kind. To the contrary, the Keynesian GDP accounts were actually inflated by deferred spending runoffs that flowed from the utterly abnormal buildup of household cash during Washington’s pandemic lockdowns and stimmy extravaganza.

Strong Economy? Think Again Read More

The System of Fascism Revisited

The Machinery of Fascism Revisited


In today’s polarized political environment, the left continues to worry about unbridled capitalism while the right is forever on the lookout for the enemy of full-blown socialism. Each side has reduced fascistic corporatism to a historical problem on the level of witch burning, fully conquered but useful as a historical reference to form a contemporary insult against the other side. 

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What Happened to Bitcoin?

What Happened to Bitcoin?


This is the book that had to be written. It is a story of a missed opportunity to change the world, a tragic tale of subversion and betrayal. But it is also a hopeful story of efforts we can make to ensure that the hijacking of Bitcoin is not the final chapter. There is still the chance for this great innovation to liberate the world but the path from here to there turns out to be more circuitous than any of us ever imagined.

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Is Inflation Harmless?

Is Inflation Harmless?


The New York Times has published a strange article by Justin Wolfers, an economist at the University of Michigan. The headline is that his economist brain makes him say with regard to inflation: “Don’t worry, be happy.” The article gives the reader as much reason to trust economists as you do epidemiologists, which is to say not at all.

Is Inflation Harmless? Read More

Fiscal Collapse Accelerates

Fiscal Collapse Accelerates


Every fiscal trend is in the wrong direction. We’re already at $2 trillion deficit, it will soar by trillions when recession hits. And it will keep churning with social security, Medicare, and spending on everything from illegal immigrants to fresh wars. At this point there is nothing standing between us and fiscal collapse. The only question is when.

Fiscal Collapse Accelerates Read More

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