
History articles feature analysis of historical context in relation to censorship, policy, technology, media, economics, and social life.

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Five Lessons from Three Years of Authoritarianism 


In retrospect, America in February of 2020 seems like a libertarian, innocent age compared to our current one. We did not live under the shadow of possible nuclear holocaust. Everyday life was devoid of the nanny-state elements of our current age. Many of us had gone through life never quite knowing what the destructive power of a government run amok looked like. 

Five Lessons from Three Years of Authoritarianism  Read Journal Article

covid policymakers

Landmarks on the Road to Covid Tyranny


For both Bush and Covid policymakers, fear-mongering razed limits to their sway. As long as enough people can be frightened, then almost everyone can be subjugated. Americans’ rights and liberties will not be safe until politicians and their henchmen are forced to submit to the law and the Constitution.

Landmarks on the Road to Covid Tyranny Read Journal Article


How New Zealand Dealt with “Disinformation”


Cases may not have been active cases, hospitalisations may not be due to SARS-CoV-2, and deaths may be due to various causes related or unrelated to SARs-CoV-2. We will never know for sure. Why? Because the PCR cycle threshold for testing PCR “positive” in Middle Earth was 40 to 45, ensuring that most tested people would test positiveeven in the total absence of contamination (a very tall order). 

How New Zealand Dealt with “Disinformation” Read Journal Article


Wartime Parallels: Iraq and Covid


First, the resort to emotional arguments and moral blackmail generally implies that they have little reasoned argument and evidence to support their case and are deflecting to bluster instead. Second, whenever we are presented with excitable exclamation marks (Saddam Hussein already has weapons of mass destruction (WMD)! He can hit us with WMD in just 45 minutes! Coronavirus could be more cataclysmic than the Spanish flu! The sky is falling!), it is a very good idea to substitute sceptical question marks instead:

Wartime Parallels: Iraq and Covid Read Journal Article

lockdowns did nothing

Three Years In, How Did the Lockdowns Go?


The lockdowns did not improve health outcomes. They did devastate economic outcomes. And economics is part of health which in turn is a reflection of the quality of life. The same results pertain however we shuffle the data: adjusting by age, adjusting by population, adjusting by population density. The conclusion is completely undeniable. Lockdowns were a disaster and they achieved nothing in terms of their stated purpose. 

Three Years In, How Did the Lockdowns Go? Read Journal Article

uk fantasy

The UK Fantasy of 510,000 Lives Lost 


The 510,000 figure, which turned the world on its head, was a fantasy number churned out by absurd modeling of a zero-probability event. The main way in which Mr Cummings, and in this respect he is a significantly representative figure, is going dreadfully wrong is that, when judging government policy as a response to emergency, he does not see that the reason why the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak escalated into the public policy catastrophe that it became was the fundamentally flawed Imperial College London modeling on which the government based its response. 

The UK Fantasy of 510,000 Lives Lost  Read Journal Article

thank god for dogs

The Criminalization of the Ordinary


How can we go back to living in just one world? Was it all an illusion in the first place? Is it just that the veil has been drawn back, and now we (or I) see the true horror of reality? What took me so long? How I long for a reconciliation of those two worlds, where there is a shared understanding of truth, where we can at least confront problems together, on the same side. Until something changes, I must try to be a citizen of these two mutually exclusive worlds.

The Criminalization of the Ordinary Read Journal Article

Robert Kadlec Plot

Robert Kadlec’s 20-Year Plot


Robert Kadlec, Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) in 2017, failed to declare a conflict of interests on his ethics forms, that in 2012 he and El-Hibri had co-founded an international biodefence company called East West Solutions LLC or that he had been employed by Emergent BioSolutions as a consultant. In September 2019, when Kadlec was ASPR and in control of the US national stockpile, Emergent BioSolutions was awarded a ten-year $2billion contract to replenish the US national stockpile of smallpox vaccine.

Robert Kadlec’s 20-Year Plot Read Journal Article

doctor trust smoking vaccines

The AMA Said Trust Your Doctor on Smoking


Doctors who opposed smoking faced ridicule from their colleagues.  Dr. Alton Ochsner, a renowned surgeon and sentinel voice warning of the dangers of tobacco, began publishing on the connection between smoking and lung cancer in the early 1940s.  His 1954 book Smoking and Cancer: A Doctor’s Report was negatively reviewed in prominent medical journals, characterized as a medieval model of logic that belongs in the nonscience section of a library.  Prior to his appearance on Meet the Press, Dr. Ochsner was told he could not discuss the relationship between smoking and lung cancer on air.

The AMA Said Trust Your Doctor on Smoking Read Journal Article

speakeasy world

The Speakeasy World of Covid Lockdowns


In Speakeasy World, people were aware that they lived in a panopticon. But they realized that the one and only guard was probably checking TikTok on his mobile phone during working hours instead of surveilling prisoners. The prisoners made a calculated bet that the guard was not paying attention to their transgressions. 

The Speakeasy World of Covid Lockdowns Read Journal Article

Three Tests of Compliance

Covid and the Three Tests of Compliance 


From legend and literature, this is how things usually are presented, not with one inviting temptation to go along but rather with three chances to comply, each with assurance that all will be well if we just give up our recalcitrant desire to think and act for ourselves. At each stage, every one of us faces enormous pressure, and not just from government but also from family, friends, and coworkers. 

Covid and the Three Tests of Compliance  Read Journal Article

Never Again

Never Again Is Now


Throughout the past three years a number of documentary films have sprouted up, which critically dismantle the adoption and enforcement of harsh global covid policies. But first-time director Vera Sharav’s new five-episode docuseries Never Again Is Now Global is the first film to draw parallels between the 1930’s Nazi era when government took control of medicine in order to deploy discriminatory health measures and the restrictive global covid policies enacted since March 2020 under the guise of public health.

Never Again Is Now Read Journal Article