
Law articles feature analysis and commentary related to censorship, policy, technology, media, economics, public health, and social life.

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Missouri vs Biden

The Censors are Exposed: Major Update to Missouri v. Biden from Tracy Beanz


The judge has done the right thing the entire time. The appeals court has done the right thing the entire time. The depositions were granted, the discovery was granted, the motion to dismiss was denied—the judge has expressed several times his shock at what the plaintiffs have exposed. The judge plays by the rules and both he and the appellate court are significantly alarmed by what has come out. This isn’t what we are used to, namely, a weak judge capitulating to the government. In fact, the judge hasn’t capitulated ONCE. Neither has the appellate court and neither has a DC court. 

The Censors are Exposed: Major Update to Missouri v. Biden from Tracy Beanz Read More

elite pride

The Cosplay of Elite Pride 


So many of our narratives contort public policy failures into a simulated pride for apocryphal success, incidentally acknowledging the imperfections in order to cover the bodies. From the initial days of the lockdowns, there were way too many people with paychecks talking. All the voices on all of our telescreens enjoyed uninterrupted direct deposit while aggressively advocating the closure of tens of thousands of small businesses – first to flatten the curve, then to slow the spread, then to await the vaccines.

The Cosplay of Elite Pride  Read More

Australian censorship

The Covid Censorship Requests of Australia’s Department of Home Affairs


The Australian stereotype of mocking self-important authorities was tepid at best during the crisis, and what questioning of authority did take place appears to have been quickly memory-holed by the spell-checkers-turned-fact-checkers at the Department of Home Affairs “Extremsim” team. With each passing day, Idiocracy is looking more and more like prophecy.

The Covid Censorship Requests of Australia’s Department of Home Affairs Read More

public health

The Power of Public Health Agencies Must Be Curbed


Now that states are moving to restrict public health powers, public health authorities face a choice that will decide whether the public will ever trust public health again. They can fight a partisan political battle against these laws, and the collapse of public trust in public health will continue apace. Or they can gracefully accept limits to their power in light of their pandemic failures.

The Power of Public Health Agencies Must Be Curbed Read More

neil gorsuch

Justice Neil Gorsuch Speaks Out Against Lockdowns and Mandates 


“Since March 2020, we may have experienced the greatest intrusions on civil liberties in the peacetime history of this country. Executive officials across the country issued emergency decrees on a breathtaking scale. Governors and local leaders imposed lockdown orders forcing people to remain in their homes.” ~ Judge Neil Gorsuch

Justice Neil Gorsuch Speaks Out Against Lockdowns and Mandates  Read More

Tweet? Lose your job

Like a Tweet, Lose Your Job 


Free speech is more than a slogan. It must be an operational reality for everyone. It can be closed down by forces other than edicts from government. It can be suppressed also by arbitrary private actions that reflect regime priorities. Ever more workers and especially intellectuals today work in an environment of fear that leads to self-censorship.

Like a Tweet, Lose Your Job  Read More

paxton v. moderna

Was this Deceptive Trade? Paxton v. Moderna 


Suing vaccine makers is notoriously difficult by design. Alone among private producers, they are indemnified against nearly all harm thanks to government privilege. That makes them mostly off-limits for legal liability from vaccine injuries. Eliminate that provision and the companies would not likely even be in business at all, which tells you all you need to know. However, deceptive claims are a separate issue. Finally we might have here a perfectly crafted legal position to hold these run-amuk companies accountable.

Was this Deceptive Trade? Paxton v. Moderna  Read More

censorship powers

Meet the VLOPs! The EU Extends its Censorship Powers


The European Commission announced its first list of designated Very Large Online Platforms – or VLOPs – that will be subject to “content moderation” requirements and obligations to combat “disinformation” under the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA). As VLOPs, the designated services will be required “to assess and mitigate their systemic risks and to provide robust content moderation tools.”

Meet the VLOPs! The EU Extends its Censorship Powers Read More

Censorship-Industrial Complex

The Censorship Industrial Complex


Big Media and Big Tech fell completely out of sync with material reality, smearing criticism that had previously been normal, and explicitly banning topics from social media such as discussion of a possible lab leak, or vaccines not stopping viral transmission. Polite society agreed with such bans, stayed silent, or even, as in the case of the Virality Project and its partners, led the censoring. A cadre of North American and European anti-disinformation elites meanwhile had been slowly convincing NGOs in Asia, Africa, and Latin America that their biggest problem was not too little but too much online freedom, the solution to which was more corporate and government control in order to protect human rights and democracy.

The Censorship Industrial Complex Read More

Berenson vs Biden

Berenson v. Biden: The Potential and Significance 


Discovery and depositions from Pfizer and the White House would be the most valuable insight of the three years – insight into the power structures that orchestrated lockdowns, censorship, forced vaccinations, school closures, economic upheaval, government overreach, and the merger of corporations with the state. The media’s blackout may delay negative press coverage for the country’s most powerful forces, but the ramifications of the lawsuit could prove far more consequential than an undesirable headline in the New York Times.

Berenson v. Biden: The Potential and Significance  Read More


Congress Has a Leverage Point on Pandemic Policy


Unlike the PREP Act and the other emergency pandemic powers, this one is set to expire at the end of September. In other words, absent any action, PAHPA and all its authority to wage biomedical warfare are finished, thereby providing House Republicans with tremendous leverage to clip the agency’s wings. How can Republicans move on from this disaster and reauthorize the agency that is responsible for the worst tyranny in American history?

Congress Has a Leverage Point on Pandemic Policy Read More

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