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Seriously, They Think Fauci Is Oppenheimer


If we continue to follow the perverse line of reasoning that posits “our public health servants during the pandemic” as moral and intellectual descendants of Oppneheimer, we might conclude that it was Anthony Fauci et al. who were pushed out of the mainstream and branded “fringe epidemiologists” by government officials. Or who are no longer able to publish their work in respected scientific journals and whose opinions are deemed dangerous to national security.

Seriously, They Think Fauci Is Oppenheimer Read Journal Article

our enemy, the state

Our Enemy, The State


It was important for someone to write this instant history under time pressure, an accessible work of record, lest we forget. Or rather, lest they be allowed to forget and move on. This is neither a book by nor for academics. Therein lies some of its failings and much of its strength. “The Government is my enemy,” laments a disillusioned citizen. Do not trust politicians and bureaucrats. “They lie for a living,” says the cynical reporter.

Our Enemy, The State Read Journal Article

free speech censorship

The Free Speech Scare 


The hunt for dissenters took strange forms. Those who held gatherings were shamed. People who did not socially distance were called disease spreaders. The mask, no matter how obviously ineffective, was imposed as a tactic of humiliation and an exclusionary measure that targeted the incredulous. It was also a symbol: stop talking because your voice does not matter. Your speech will be muffled.

The Free Speech Scare  Read Journal Article

spectacle propaganda

Above All Else, It was a Spectacle


The Powers That Be use propaganda because it works. Images are powerful things. Photos and videos operate on the subconscious level. So even while we are rationally discussing the evils of this propaganda campaign, to even re-share the images here is fraught, because seeing them again produces an affect. It was traumatic to write this article — even though I know the images are contrived, they still affect my psyche.

Above All Else, It was a Spectacle Read Journal Article

who are the censors?

Deny, Deflect, Defend: The Censors’ Strategy on Display


While the government’s denials and deflections are insulting to the citizens they purport to represent, we must remain focused on their aim: they appealed Doughty’s order because they oppose constitutional restraints on their control of information. We would hope that requiring the government to obey the Constitution would be uncontroversial; now, it may signify whether the rule of law still stands in the United States. 

Deny, Deflect, Defend: The Censors’ Strategy on Display Read Journal Article


Fauci and the Hagiographical Style of American Journalism


Norah O’Donnell has known Dr. Fauci and his wife for ages: “How are you guys?” she starts her interview with Dr. Fauci for InStyle Magazine where Fauci posed for the most hubris-exuding photo of the pandemic. “With all due modesty, I think I’m pretty effective!” – Dr. Anthony Fauci, July 2020, InStyle Magazine

Fauci and the Hagiographical Style of American Journalism Read Journal Article

I am the regulator

“I Am the Regulator!”: EU Commissioner Warns Social Media to Censor After French Riots 


“L’Etat, c’est moi” – “I am the state” – Louis XIV is supposed to have said. And in a contemporary echo of that famous phrase, EU Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton repeatedly stressed on Monday that “I am the regulator” when lambasting social media networks for “not having done enough” during the recent French riots and threatening them with sanctions, including even banishment, if they should remain similarly inactive after August 25.

“I Am the Regulator!”: EU Commissioner Warns Social Media to Censor After French Riots  Read Journal Article


I Am a Tree and We Need to Ban Leaves


In the recent past, much of the press has at least tried to somehow shoehorn in an element of possible truth – or at least make things matters of opinion so anything could be true – to their culturally caustic efforts. In this case, they’re not even trying because it is impossible: the thousands of pages of depositions, emails, phone logs, and other records show exactly what happened, when it happened, and why it happened.

I Am a Tree and We Need to Ban Leaves Read Journal Article

CIA Covid Propaganda

Best-Selling Author Michael Lewis Pens CIA Covid Propaganda


The terrifying takeaways from this analysis are: First, that what Lewis is hiding – or trying to divert attention away from – is the massive CIA involvement in the Covid response. Second, that the intelligence and national security leaders who were in charge of the Covid response did not just censor information that contradicted their narrative; they also recruited widely trusted voices – including internationally renowned authors – to disseminate their propaganda.

Best-Selling Author Michael Lewis Pens CIA Covid Propaganda Read Journal Article

YouTube censors

YouTube Censors Australian Politician’s Maiden Speech to Parliament


While the Lib Dems are benefiting from the Streisand effect for the time being, Member of the European Parliament, Christine Anderson, is dealing with YouTube censorship by suing the social media platform. Anderson reports that YouTube blocked two videos from parliamentary sessions in which she acted on the official Special Committee on the COVID-19 Pandemic.

YouTube Censors Australian Politician’s Maiden Speech to Parliament Read Journal Article

first amendment

We Landed a Major Blow Against the Censorship Leviathan


One naturally wants to believe that an issue one is involved in is of world-historical importance. But as the judge himself wrote in the decision, “If the allegations made by Plaintiffs are true, the present case arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.” That, my friends, is a strong claim, but as I have previously argued, an entirely accurate one.

We Landed a Major Blow Against the Censorship Leviathan Read Journal Article