
Media articles feature analysis and commentary about mass media, entertainment, censorship, and propaganda.

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Your Privacy and Brownstone’s Digital Strategy 


These are enormously stressful times for all. They require everyone to reassess and rethink our relationship to technology for reasons of preserving freedom, privacy, and independence. We need to do our best to avoid becoming part of the privatization of the state. We have taken an important step in that direction. 

Your Privacy and Brownstone’s Digital Strategy  Read Journal Article

The Next Step for the World Economic Forum


We can easily predict that the WEF’s call for a universal and mandated subscription plan for antibiotics – pushed with the overt intention of shoring up financial capitalization of major drug manufacturers – will meet the same fate: poor health outcomes, more power to entrenched elites, and ever less liberty for the people. 

The Next Step for the World Economic Forum Read Journal Article

Are They Finally Admitting Natural Immunity?


That such an obvious and settled point of science became taboo for a time is truly a scandal for the ages. Now we know that it was a deliberate decision. Why? And why are we only now hearing about it, long after knowing this truth might have saved so much destruction? 

Are They Finally Admitting Natural Immunity? Read Journal Article

Why Rogan Is Tied to the Stake While Maher Gets a Free Pass


Uncontrolled opposition is the biggest fear of the political and corporate establishment, even to media conglomerates. Rogan never trained to be a journalist, didn’t climb any social ladders to reach the level of the elites, has never relied on establishment advertising dollars, and yet attracts 11 million viewers and listeners to each podcast episode, eclipsing popular network TV programs.

Why Rogan Is Tied to the Stake While Maher Gets a Free Pass Read Journal Article

CNN Loves Weathervane Pandemic Pundits


Weathervanes have no historical perspective of medicine. They are among the first to call for censorship because they are incapable of rebuttal. I doubt many of them even listened to the Joe Rogan episodes they want to suppress. Among those who listened, I doubt many can accurately summarize what was right, wrong and what remains gray.

CNN Loves Weathervane Pandemic Pundits Read Journal Article

Justin Trudeau Ducks the Great Trucker Revolt


This is the largest and latest example of the revolt and one that could make the biggest difference yet. But it is only one sign among many that the ruling elites in most countries have overplayed their hand. They have arrogantly imposed their plans for everyone else based on the opinions of only a few and without real consultation with experts with differences of opinion or with the people whose lives have been profoundly affected by the pandemic response. 

Justin Trudeau Ducks the Great Trucker Revolt Read Journal Article

Defeat the Mandates

The DC Rally and the Rise of the Resistance


By long American tradition, protest movements manifest themselves most fully in gatherings in Washington, D.C, starting at the Washington Monument and culminating in speeches at the Lincoln Memorial. At long last, after two years of astonishing attacks on fundamental rights that most everyone once believed were protected by the U.S. Constitution, this happened today, January 23, 2022. 

The DC Rally and the Rise of the Resistance Read Journal Article

The Obedient Generation


As I watched the teenagers of E.T. flying past the sun, I wept for their bravery, and their fraternity, but I also wept for you, my shiny young neighbors. We, this nation, have raised you obeisant. The generation that “turned on, tuned in, and dropped out” (and the slightly younger punks) raised you with none of their same rebelliousness, nor with the faith and humility of their parents. So what did they give you instead? Obey, and you’ll be rewarded.

The Obedient Generation Read Journal Article


The Joker – A Premonition


The Joker is not just one man, not just a crazy person, but the instantiation of the insane and morbid dangers associated with persistent personal failure backed by a conviction that when there is a fundamental conflict between a vision and reality, it can only be solved by the creation of chaos and suffering. As unpleasant as it is, The Joker is the movie we needed to see to understand and then prepare for the horrors that this unchecked mentality can and did unleash on the world. 

The Joker – A Premonition Read Journal Article

The Artless Partisans of Lockdowns and Mandates


In fact, the great intellectual thought emerging from our times is coming from those opposing vaccine mandates and Covid fearmongering. These names run across the political spectrum, but those from the left are universally categorized by liberals as being “alt-right” or “fringe libertarian,” ensuring that they remain marginalized and carry whatever stigma goes along with being relegated to the internet.

The Artless Partisans of Lockdowns and Mandates Read Journal Article

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