
Philosophy articles feature reflection and analysis about public life, values, ethics, and morals.

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Colbert, Fauci, and the Externalization of Mental Illness


Life is hard. Everyone I know bears some burden or other. Most do so with equanimity and dignity, and without victimizing others. It’s been deeply wrong—and extremely selfish—for Colbert, Fauci and their groupies to have externalized their mental unwellness on hundreds of millions of others by insisting on society-wide, lastingly destructive Coronavirus interventions.

Colbert, Fauci, and the Externalization of Mental Illness Read Journal Article

Pfizer Marvel Disney

Why Is Pfizer Attempting Comix?


This is brave of Marvel and Disney. Mixing face masks and vaccines with super heroes is either very confident, or very profitable. Dress it up how you want, but bandaids on old men’s arms aren’t exactly superhero-ish. It’s a long way from muscular Thor and his hammer. And every adverse vaccine event stands to puncture the allure of the super hero like a needle through a cape.

Why Is Pfizer Attempting Comix? Read Journal Article


You’re Aggressive, but I’m Not


As every great religious tradition reminds us, the proclivity to do ill to others is vividly present in everyone during the entire course of our lives on earth, and that the first and most effective step towards ensuring that this inner monster does not take control of our destinies is acknowledging its enduring presence within us. It is then, and only then, that we can shape effective and enduring strategies to keep it at bay. 

You’re Aggressive, but I’m Not Read Journal Article

The Attempt to Burn Me at the Stake


Perhaps for this reason: people might start to take seriously the idea that the corona crisis was primarily a psycho-social phenomenon that marked the transition to a technocratic system, a system in which the government would attempt to claim decision-making rights over its citizens and, step by step, take control of all private space.

The Attempt to Burn Me at the Stake Read Journal Article

intellectual sanctuary

Why Did So Many Intellectuals Refuse to Speak Out?


Here is why in our time, as in all times, there is a crying need for intellectual sanctuaries for those brave souls who are willing to stand up and be counted, risk cancellation, put their professional careers on the line, simply to say what is true. They need protection. They need care. And they deserve our congratulations, for it is they who will guide us out of this mess. 

Why Did So Many Intellectuals Refuse to Speak Out? Read Journal Article

Quo usque tandem abutere, Corona, patientia nostra?


The big open question, however, is what the political fallout will be from science’s return to truth. If it helps the constitutional state turn away from its absurd noble goals – war against a virus, fight against a climate change – and make it adhere to its real task – regulating the peaceful coexistence of people while respecting the freedom and dignity of the individual – then the many victims of the Covid hysteria will perhaps not have suffered entirely in vain.

Quo usque tandem abutere, Corona, patientia nostra? Read Journal Article

pandemic Australia

Pandemics Bookended Our Careers


Covid has laid bare a medical profession no longer with input into health policy. Financial interest influences decisions enacted by bureaucrats, driven by the pharmaceutical industry, and woven into political agendas. A cultural blindness to objectivity begins with medical journals failing to publish any article outside of the narrative.

Pandemics Bookended Our Careers Read Journal Article

churches during lockdowns

Churches During Lockdowns: Near Disaster 


The compassion-hacking of American churches did not in itself save anyone’s life, but it did help to break down another civil-society barrier standing in the way of governmental totalization. As Hannah Arendt warned us, authoritarian and totalitarian schemes do not work without mass buy-in from the constituency. Buy-in requires people to be isolated, lonely, atomized, and stripped of all meaning.

Churches During Lockdowns: Near Disaster  Read Journal Article

speed bumps

The Deeper Truth about Speed Bumps 


These are classic “controlling practices” designed to gradually leach from each and every one of us—and most infuriatingly those not yet fully socialized—what is arguably our greatest instinctual drive: the desire to weave stories of our own in the company of others that remind us not of what they tell us we are and must be for them, but of the sense of dignity that we all want to feel and, to the best of our abilities, extend to others.

The Deeper Truth about Speed Bumps  Read Journal Article

The Pandemic Response Unleashed Two Kinds of Nationalism


For nearly three years, most people in the world have been treated like lab rats in an experiment in bio-technocratic central management by state power, at the urging of once-respected global institutions, and this has resulted in economic crisis, demographic upheaval, and utter political panic. It will be many years before this is sorted out. 

The Pandemic Response Unleashed Two Kinds of Nationalism Read Journal Article