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welcome to the dying earth

Welcome to the Dying Earth 


There are always forces in this world that pull us down into the muck and mire. In our day-to-day pursuit of happiness, desire, entertainment, and survival, it is easy to forget what we have the potential to become. It is easy to get lost in technicalities, in ego trips and in reactionary indignation. If we are the victims of atrocities, it is all the easier to seek our justice in retaliation, viciousness, and brutal revenge. But in a world where everybody sees themselves as the primary and true victim, where does that ultimately leave us?

Welcome to the Dying Earth  Read More


The Relevance of Milgram’s Experiments in Today’s World


Whether in America, Australia, Ireland, Germany, or Italy, Western Civilization is under the onslaught by totalitarians on a number of different fronts, and to date they are winning hands down. Having lived in a totalitarian regime, I (and others) recognize all the signs. Frankly, the future is bleak. 

The Relevance of Milgram’s Experiments in Today’s World Read More

Will They Ever Come Clean About the Damage They Caused?


The Machiavellians who concocted the Covid response and the media who sold it don’t regret what they did. It served their political, social and economic purposes. Thus, the truth can now be publicly admitted, though not fully. Denying some aspects of reality allows the Coronamanic to deceive many and to think of themselves as good, smart people for having supported lockdowns, school closures, masks, tests and shots.

Will They Ever Come Clean About the Damage They Caused? Read More

The Creation of the 25-Year-Old Child

The Creation of the 25-Year-Old Child


By attempting to cocoon both adolescents and young adults to protect them from bad choices, responsibility, and real-world consequences for their decisions until they reach a scientifically defined age at which they can enter the world fully mature and unsupervised, we will in fact be protracting their immaturity and delaying their development into the responsible adults we are waiting for them to become.

The Creation of the 25-Year-Old Child Read More

mental health

Why did Mental Health Professionals Go Along with Lockdowns?


Occasionally there was a suggestion that socially-distanced outdoor interactions might be acceptable or that phased school reopenings could be attempted. But, by and large, very few mental health professionals, like so many people from so many other fields, had the courage to present any real challenge to these policies despite knowing the damage they wrought. 

Why did Mental Health Professionals Go Along with Lockdowns? Read More


Prozac Is Unsafe and Ineffective for Young People, Analysis Finds


Antidepressants like fluoxetine double the risk of suicide and aggression in children and adolescentso, they often lead to decreased quality of life, they cause sexual dysfunction in about 50% of users, and these harms may continue long after they try to quit. There seems to be no rationale for using fluoxetine in young people for treating depression – the new analysis concludes the drug is unsafe and ineffective.

Prozac Is Unsafe and Ineffective for Young People, Analysis Finds Read More


Whatever Happened to the Healing Power of Positive Thinking? 


How did belief in the natural healing power of the body and mind get replaced by hysteria, panic, iatrogenesis and a fanatical reliance on Big Pharma? What black hole did all the hippies and granola-types fall into, the people I spent much time with as a kid, while helping my mother at our local food co-op? 

Whatever Happened to the Healing Power of Positive Thinking?  Read More

Clean vs. Dirty: A Way to Understand Everything


The clean vs. dirty distinction was once an indicator of class, perhaps a desiderata of germaphobic pathology, even a harmless eccentricity. But in 2020, the obsession became extreme, an aesthetic priority that overrode all morality and truth. It then became a fundamental threat to liberty, self-government, and human rights.Today this demarcation has invaded the whole of our lives, and it threatens to create a horrifying caste system consisting of those who enjoy rights and privileges vs those who do not and serve (at a distance) the elites. 

Clean vs. Dirty: A Way to Understand Everything Read More

social isolation

Social Isolation Bad For Social Mammals – Who Knew?


What were the cumulative health effects of encouraging, coercing, and forcing large populations into states of prolonged social isolation while simultaneously instilling in them intense fear and inflicting upon them economic uncertainty and hardship? What will the long-term effects of this be? And how could our public health experts not have considered that doing this to a social mammal might have been bad for their health? 

Social Isolation Bad For Social Mammals – Who Knew? Read More

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