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The Grateful Dead Succumbed to Coronamania, but We Didn't Follow

The Grateful Dead Succumbed to Coronamania, but We Didn’t Conform


Throughout, my unimpaired eyes and ears told me that the Covid response was an extreme overreaction that was causing widespread harm. Instead of following a gullibly unhinged crowd, I found new friends who knew bad Scamdemic music when they heard it. Instead of “staying safe,” buying the hysteria and flailing their arms, my new tribe stayed sane and moved, vitally and on-time, to their own, unmistakable beat of reality.

The Grateful Dead Succumbed to Coronamania, but We Didn’t Conform Read Journal Article

Slave or Master of Technology: The Choice is Ours

Slave or Master of Technology: The Choice is Ours


The agencies promoting the hegemony of digital technology – which is also what makes AI possible today – would like nothing better than to neutralise your ability to think independently. This is even more true today than when Stiegler wrote his texts. But by using this technology anyway, for your own critical purposes, you would be defusing their attempts at undermining human intelligence.

Slave or Master of Technology: The Choice is Ours Read Journal Article

Is Naomi Klein "Othering" Me Due to Family Ties to Vaccine Money?

Is Naomi Klein “Othering” Me Due to Family Ties to Vaccine Money?


These powerful interests may be part of the effort that sought yet again — yet again! – to take down a critic who, along with my brave and selfless colleagues, is exposing the damage and deception that these interests have inflicted, on innocent people around the world.

Is Naomi Klein “Othering” Me Due to Family Ties to Vaccine Money? Read Journal Article

Those Who Cry "Far Right" Have No Idea What's Happening in Dublin

Those Who Cry “Far Right” Have No Idea What’s Happening in Dublin


You might think that a government faced with a barbaric public stabbing of schoolchildren and an unprecedented night of rioting in its capital city would extend condolences to the victims, take a deep breath, and try to figure out how a city managed to spiral out of control on its watch. But instead, Thursday’s riots in Dublin were met by a shallow, one-dimensional analysis by all of the key authorities involved: to blame the “far right.”

Those Who Cry “Far Right” Have No Idea What’s Happening in Dublin Read Journal Article

Can Thanksgiving Traditions Survive a Four-Year Pause?

Can Thanksgiving Traditions Survive a Four-Year Pause?


On Thanksgiving, we’re supposed to disregard that which hasn’t gone well and focus on that which has; even if the list of what has gone well is much shorter than that which hasn’t. If you’re sitting in a warm place, forking tasty food into your own mouth, and are surrounded by people whose names you remember, you’re comparatively blessed.

Can Thanksgiving Traditions Survive a Four-Year Pause? Read Journal Article

Autism City

Beware the Autism-Friendly City


Let us not forget that as we inched forwards like automata, self-conscious and humiliated, we gradually ceased to make eye contact with our fellows, engaged in little to no verbal interaction and found it increasingly difficult to make a friend – those very characteristics that 6 in 10 Irish people associate with autism. 

Beware the Autism-Friendly City Read Journal Article

doctor opinion

A Doctor Cannot Give his Professional Opinion? 


The authorities were wrong in every single aspect of the pandemic: the number of deaths, the number of deaths predicted, the lockdown, the masks, the faux-vaccine, the treatments, the medications, the collateral damage, the refusal to give treatment to the unvaccinated, the ethics. The covid fiasco and the resulting censorship and persecution will go down as one of the classic cases to be taught in medical schools for decades to come.

A Doctor Cannot Give his Professional Opinion?  Read Journal Article


We Are All Pretending There Is No Emergency


Perhaps we all know what just happened, but we are all pretending that it didn’t, from one of two perspectives – either pretending that everything is normal while actively suppressing one’s suspicion that it isn’t; or knowing everything is very very bad and actively disguising that knowledge with plausible cover stories when we encounter the other perspective.

We Are All Pretending There Is No Emergency Read Journal Article

welcome to the dying earth

Welcome to the Dying Earth 


There are always forces in this world that pull us down into the muck and mire. In our day-to-day pursuit of happiness, desire, entertainment, and survival, it is easy to forget what we have the potential to become. It is easy to get lost in technicalities, in ego trips and in reactionary indignation. If we are the victims of atrocities, it is all the easier to seek our justice in retaliation, viciousness, and brutal revenge. But in a world where everybody sees themselves as the primary and true victim, where does that ultimately leave us?

Welcome to the Dying Earth  Read Journal Article


The Relevance of Milgram’s Experiments in Today’s World


Whether in America, Australia, Ireland, Germany, or Italy, Western Civilization is under the onslaught by totalitarians on a number of different fronts, and to date they are winning hands down. Having lived in a totalitarian regime, I (and others) recognize all the signs. Frankly, the future is bleak. 

The Relevance of Milgram’s Experiments in Today’s World Read Journal Article

Will They Ever Come Clean About the Damage They Caused?


The Machiavellians who concocted the Covid response and the media who sold it don’t regret what they did. It served their political, social and economic purposes. Thus, the truth can now be publicly admitted, though not fully. Denying some aspects of reality allows the Coronamanic to deceive many and to think of themselves as good, smart people for having supported lockdowns, school closures, masks, tests and shots.

Will They Ever Come Clean About the Damage They Caused? Read Journal Article