
Analysis of Big Pharma, vaccines, and policy including impacts on public health, economics, open dialog, and social life. Articles on the topic of vaccines are translated into multiple languages.

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  • Vaccines

Solutions to Vaccine Troubles in Ten Sentences


A open, public discussion and debate should be undertaken on the appropriate role of vaccines in public health, including, among other issues, a) a critical review of the current medical dogma on vaccines, b) an accounting of the mistakes, abuses, and potential lessons of the COVID-19 era, and c) a thorough discussion of the undeniable conflicts between public health as it is now practiced and the fundamental civil rights of citizens.

Solutions to Vaccine Troubles in Ten Sentences Read Journal Article

vaccine mandate

The Vaccine Mandate to Become a Citizen Must End 


Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) introduced a bill on July 19, 2023 to at least end the ACIP requirement mandating covid vaccines for immigrants, recognizing that families are still harmed by the CDCs relentless push for mass-covid vaccination among adults and children. Certainly, this step to reign in this incorrigible agency is heading in the right direction. 

The Vaccine Mandate to Become a Citizen Must End  Read Journal Article

unvaccinated Sweden

“Vaccinated” Sweden: A Response to a Brainwashed Critic


When I saw on my Excel file that the Covid mortality ratio — Sweden versus Israel — during the winter wave of 2020–2021 was identical to the usual ratio, and there is no statistical hint of averted Covid deaths in Israel, I was astonished. I expected to see some indication that vaccinated Israel fared better than unvaccinated Sweden.

“Vaccinated” Sweden: A Response to a Brainwashed Critic Read Journal Article

Rhode Island Department of Health stonewalling

Why Is Rhode Island Stonewalling About a 37-Year-Old Woman’s Vaccine Death?


Critically, what one also gleans from the autopsy report is that the 37-year-old female decedent was free of any serious, chronic comorbidity—certainly in all the major organ systems examined, grossly, including the cardiovascular system. Moreover, she was not on medical therapy, and had no evidence of significant external injury, per the report. 

Why Is Rhode Island Stonewalling About a 37-Year-Old Woman’s Vaccine Death? Read Journal Article

Santa Clara University

Santa Clara University Students Must Take Covid Vaccines or Withdraw


Given that the emergency is officially over, and the shots have proven to be both ineffective and in some cases harmful, now more than ever, SCU must defend the science and ethics behind their refusal to drop them. In the absence of such transparency, we are left to assume that Osofsky, along with SCCMA and SCCPH, must be using SCU students as mere pawns to achieve their unscientific and authoritarian vaccination goals and quotas.

Santa Clara University Students Must Take Covid Vaccines or Withdraw Read Journal Article

mediocre vaccine

How a Highly Effective Vaccine Turns Into a Mediocre Vaccine — or Worse


The implication of the “healthy vaccinee” phenomenon — when estimating vaccine effectiveness — is called confounding bias. A naïve comparison of Covid mortality in vaccinated people and unvaccinated people, even if age-adjusted, is grossly misleading because the latter have higher risk of death to begin with. At least part of their higher Covid mortality, if not all, has nothing to do with not being vaccinated. They are simply sicker people.

How a Highly Effective Vaccine Turns Into a Mediocre Vaccine — or Worse Read Journal Article

cdc altered minnesota death certificates

CDC Altered Minnesota Death Certificates that List a Covid Vaccine as a Cause of Death


The actions of the CDC call into question whether the CDC is altogether qualified or trustworthy enough to be the steward of the nation’s epidemiological data. The CDC manages many of the datasets that underpin whole fields of study. If the CDC is willing to fraudulently alter data (or even if the CDC is just too incompetent to avoid corrupting data), all data under the aegis of the CDC is potentially suspect, especially if it relates to a controversial political or social issue.

CDC Altered Minnesota Death Certificates that List a Covid Vaccine as a Cause of Death Read Journal Article


German Scientists Uncover Evidence that EU Pfizer-BioNTech Batches Included Placebos


German scientists have uncovered startling evidence that a substantial portion of the batches of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine deployed in the European Union may in fact have consisted of placebos – and hence were not even subjected to quality-control testing by the German agency which was in principle responsible for approving their release.

German Scientists Uncover Evidence that EU Pfizer-BioNTech Batches Included Placebos Read Journal Article

serious harm

Sorry but Serious Harms from the Vaccine are Not Rare


Drug regulators and public health agencies have saturated the airways with claims that serious harms following covid vaccination are “rare.” There has been very little scrutiny of that claim by the media, and I could not find an instance where international agencies actually quantified what they meant by the term “rare” or provided a scientific source.

Sorry but Serious Harms from the Vaccine are Not Rare Read Journal Article

illusion of effective covid vaccine

The Bias that Creates the Illusion of an Effective Covid Vaccine


How could Covid vaccines have been highly effective in the frail and elderly? They were not. To understand why, we have to struggle with complicated biases in observational studies because we don’t have randomized trials with a mortality endpoint.

The Bias that Creates the Illusion of an Effective Covid Vaccine Read Journal Article

Israel deaths

Thousands of Averted Covid Deaths in Israel: Science Fiction


Lockdowns were futile and detrimental, mask mandates were futile, Covid vaccines were marginally beneficial, futile, or worse, and influential studies of vaccine effectiveness contain at least one major flaw, and probably more. These truths will become common knowledge when contemporary, brainwashed Covid scientists are replaced by a new generation of scientists with inquisitive minds.

Thousands of Averted Covid Deaths in Israel: Science Fiction Read Journal Article