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The Rise and Fall of the Human Rights Industry


A partnership of mutual benefit has developed over the past two decades, blurring the dichotomy between wealthy oppressors and those whose oppression often enriched them. With public-private partnerships, human rights and humanitarianism became a fashion statement, allowing corporations and their celebrities to demonstrate that inequality can be veiled with empathy.

The Rise and Fall of the Human Rights Industry Read Journal Article

Elephant in the room

Real Vaccine Efficacy Rates Are Much Lower Than Previously Estimated


Far from the 95-100% range of Pfizer’s trial data or the 75% estimate from Dr. Fauci, findings from the study suggest a vaccine effectiveness of less than 20% against infection and less than 25% against symptomatic disease after only a few months:

Real Vaccine Efficacy Rates Are Much Lower Than Previously Estimated Read Journal Article

Governments Were Given Credible Warnings about Lockdown Harms but Didn’t Listen


Instead of conducting and publishing rigorous cost-benefit analyses, departments and ministries of health turned into Covid-only bureaus, health ministers acted like Covid ministers, and governments were almost corrupted into single-purpose organizations pursuing Zero Covid. 

Governments Were Given Credible Warnings about Lockdown Harms but Didn’t Listen Read Journal Article

Restrictions in Sweden and Denmark: What Do The Numbers Show?


According to the models used to justify harsher restrictions in Denmark, about 30,000 people were expected to have died, had Sweden’s strategy been followed. But according to the data, the excess mortality in Sweden over the two years was around 6,000 and in Denmark 3,000, which amounts to the same percentage as the Danish population is about half the Swedish. Thus, the models were off by around 90%.

Restrictions in Sweden and Denmark: What Do The Numbers Show? Read Journal Article

WHO Wants To Run the World?


This is the first clear instance of a globalist coup attempt. It would subvert national sovereignty worldwide by putting real power into the hands of an international group of bureaucrats. It has long been suspected that the authoritarian elites arisen during covid times would try to strengthen their positions by undermining nation states, and this 75th jamboree is the first solid evidence of this being true. 

WHO Wants To Run the World? Read Journal Article

The Catastrophic Covid Convergence


How did my family, friends and neighbors – who I thought shared my liberal, humanist values – turn into a group-thinking, bullying herd? What forces were exerted to erase scientific and intellectual integrity from the minds of literally millions of doctors, scientists, economists, journalists, educators and other normally curious and compassionate people worldwide?

The Catastrophic Covid Convergence Read Journal Article

As Military Ranks are Purged, US Is Unprepared for War


Shortsighted policies, some recent and some decades in the making, have worsened matters. Even now, before a shot has been fired, the Pentagon is struggling to recruit fresh troops, while at the same time it’s preparing to pitch 60,000 unvaccinated National Guardsmen and Reservists it relies on for routine mission support. 

As Military Ranks are Purged, US Is Unprepared for War Read Journal Article

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