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Coronamania Foreshadowed in Beatlemania


Witnessing Beatlemania foreshadowed Coronamania. While the manner of expression of group identity and hysteria differed in these two contexts, both reactions were extreme and unreasonable. Actually, Beatlemania made more sense. When I walked out of the theater and back into the disorienting 1965 late-day light, life immediately returned to normal.

Coronamania Foreshadowed in Beatlemania Read Journal Article

A Deeper Dive Into the CDC Reversal 


How many people on the planet have now been acculturated to top-down control, socialized to live in fear, accept whatever comes down from above, never to question an edict, and expect to live in a world of rolling man-made disasters? And was that the point after all, to breed low expectations for life on earth and relinquish the soul’s desire for a full and free life? 

A Deeper Dive Into the CDC Reversal  Read Journal Article

New Zealand: Mugged by Covid Reality


With the passage of time, as evidence mounted of the folly of Zero Covid policy and the accumulating harms it was causing, the New Zealand government was trapped in a prison of its own construction and found it difficult to change course, even after the futility of the entire program became obvious in the data. 

New Zealand: Mugged by Covid Reality Read Journal Article

Dr. Birx’s Fake Science Revealed in Her Own Words


In her “excruciating story” of the pandemic, The Silent Spread, Deborah Birx does not even try to make coherent scientific or public health policy arguments in favor of the Chinese-style totalitarian measures she advocated. Instead, she provides nonsensical, self-contradictory assertions – some downright false and others long disproven in the scientific literature.

Dr. Birx’s Fake Science Revealed in Her Own Words Read Journal Article

How Masking Contributes to Long Covid 


A lingering disorder that can last for months or years is affecting an increasing proportion of the workforce. The symptoms that contribute to Long Covid could be a result of pandemic measures and masking in particular. Increased exposure to microplastics, nanoparticles, chemicals in masks and nasopharyngeal tests parallel many of the symptoms that define Long Covid. 

How Masking Contributes to Long Covid  Read Journal Article

The Brutalization of Compassion 


During the Covid era, we see the same schema writ large in the responses taken by governments across the globe. For the first time in human history, the availability of mass-testing allowed us to convince ourselves that we could measure the health of the population, holistically, in real time, and to generate precise statistics permitting us to do so – right down to the last ‘case’ or ‘death’. 

The Brutalization of Compassion  Read Journal Article

The Disastrous High-Tech War on a Pathogen


If we carefully analyze each aspect of “world war” on Covid-19, we can see how each tactic and high-tech “weapon” has harmed human health, destabilized civil society, and possibly disrupted the ecological balance between the human population and the virus, while enriching private interests and empowering financially captured government regulators. 

The Disastrous High-Tech War on a Pathogen Read Journal Article

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