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How the Flu and Covid Shots Are Different


Someone may argue that society at large— not necessarily the people taking the 4th dose— is still facing an emergency, but that argument is specious. There is no evidence that giving a young healthy person a 4th dose benefits larger pandemic dynamics, and saves an older person. Doctors need to stop making up just-so-stories in their minds to justify coercive mandates on the young, healthy, and those with natural immunity. 

How the Flu and Covid Shots Are Different Read More

CDC Promotes Another Misleading Mask Study 


It is imperative that the public educate themselves on how much misinformation is being disseminated by activist researchers, designed to appeal to the goals and ideologies of partisan political actors. Many children could be permanently affected by an atrocious “study” meant to promote a meaningless, destructive policy.

CDC Promotes Another Misleading Mask Study  Read More


Conviviality: The Alternative to the Administrative State


Images from Canada, of tables quaking under the weight of home-cooked food, of people in sub-zero temperatures lining the roadsides and bridges, of tweeted offers of hot showers and warm beds for strangers, of makeshift saunas and pop-up barbeques, of dancing and singing under threat of militarized suppression…these will not fade from our consciousness of what human beings who live freely with one another and in their environment can achieve and achieve with joy.  

Conviviality: The Alternative to the Administrative State Read More

Faroe Islands: The Tiny Country that Rejected Lockdowns


The Faroese authorities never fell prey to the irrational fear and scare tactics that unfortunately prevailed for the most part in the rest of the world. Instead, they showed the self-confidence, the respect for fact-based decision-making and consideration of the broader picture needed when confronted with an acute situation.

Faroe Islands: The Tiny Country that Rejected Lockdowns Read More

The Fact-Checking Game


If there is one element that is found in virtually all of the fascist movements of the 20th century it is their leaders’ rhetorical pose of being above the frequently off-putting hurly-burly of politics. But, of course, no one operating in the public arena is ever above politics, or for that matter, ideology, both of which are just two more examples of the structure-engendering cultural practices alluded to above. 

The Fact-Checking Game Read More

Politicians of the World Unite! 


Biden, Putin, and the CCP all face the same problem: they preside over systems that are underperforming and generating enormous unrest at all levels. The leaders blame each other while the people in all countries are left to suffer. We are just at the beginning, but this strategy of deflection could end very badly for the arrogant political class that imagines no limit to their power. 

Politicians of the World Unite!  Read More

Freedom Must Begin at Home 


Peace talks, or at least ceasefire talks are underway between Russia and Ukraine. No such ideological ceasefire, talks or dialogue of any kind are occurring in Canada between political factions or between leaders and their psychologically, financially and emotionally wounded populace. The coronavirus measures enacted in Canada have created a highly divisive country, torn apart along public health lines. 

Freedom Must Begin at Home  Read More

New Hampshire Votes for Pharmaceutical Freedom


This battle is much larger than the legal status of Ivermectin. That’s just one symbol. What’s really at stake here is the idea of medical freedom itself. And freedom is a precondition for scientific inquiry and the search for the truth. It is also essential for public health. This is one of many lessons of the disastrously botched pandemic. 

New Hampshire Votes for Pharmaceutical Freedom Read More

No College Mandates

End All College Covid-19 Vaccination Mandates


To mandate a medical intervention is to violate the fundamental right to medical choice. Therefore, the decision to mandate must be based on nothing less than incontrovertible medical necessity. In the case of Covid-19 college vaccine mandates, that standard cannot be met based on current science and real-life experience.

End All College Covid-19 Vaccination Mandates Read More

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