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The German Faith in Authority


Not only do media commentaries and politicians casually discuss discriminatory measures against unvaccinated people without being attacked for it by their peers, but ‘normal’ citizens, including highly accomplished academics, are doing so as well. The sudden switch of the political agenda from Covid-19 to the Ukraine illustrates that this is not Covid-exclusive behaviour.

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How Coercion Compromised the Vaccine 


The vaccine for this virus should never have been mandated. Having done so, public health has done itself deep harm. One wonders if the reputation of vaccines in general can recover. Free choice is the foundation of trust. Overriding that with a politically motivated regime of compulsion, backed by the threat to destroy lives, can never result in good outcomes for either individuals or society. 

How Coercion Compromised the Vaccine  Read More

The White House is Now Your Doctor!


In short, the White House is not your doctor, yet they have decided they will act as such. This is a dangerous precedent. The American people will soon be participating in an uncontrolled clinical trial of 4th and 5th doses, possibly with coercive mandates. Not having an advisory committee is a threat to public health. This decision does not bode well.

The White House is Now Your Doctor! Read More

Covid Prediction: January 2020


Government power is not necessary. It is not likely to be effective, either. And when it is not effective, the tendency is to overreact in the opposite direction, clamping down and abusing, exactly as we’ve seen with the war on terror and China’s response to this virus, which might be as serious as bad seasonal flu outbreaks. Still, people assume that government is doing its job, government fails, and then government gets more power and does awful things with it. It’s the same story again and again.

Covid Prediction: January 2020 Read More

How Proximity Makes Progressives


Trust in government and its ability to solve problems has always tended to be higher in more urban areas. Government solutions tend to constrain individual action, and this too tends to be tolerated more in more populated areas. Across cultures and times, areas of higher population density have been associated with more politically and culturally progressive attitudes, manifested in a greater willingness to trust governmental power and to follow its lead.

How Proximity Makes Progressives Read More

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