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Where Were the Great Covid Speeches?


Lacking the big-picture thinking and inner convictions to make tough calls, our ostensible leaders let themselves be pushed around by scientists whose ideas they did not understand. Nor did they have the guts to balance them with other measures of societal health. Mix in the fear of angering the Twitter mob and you get a recipe for timid, uninspired orations.

Where Were the Great Covid Speeches? Read Journal Article

The Freedumb Fallacy


Freedom matters—even in a pandemic. Without freedom, elderly people may spend their remaining time on earth isolated from their loved ones, and we know that social isolation kills. Without freedom, people may lose not only their livelihoods but the momentum and opportunity to build careers as flight attendants, orchestra musicians, chefs, or scientists working on viruses. Without freedom, children may lose important and irretrievable experiences and milestones. Without freedom, life becomes a shadow of itself. 

The Freedumb Fallacy Read Journal Article

Reparations for the Business Victims of Lockdowns 


The lockdowns were and are an intolerable attack on property rights, the freedom of association, free enterprise, and basic rights of trade and exchange that have been a bedrock of a thriving economy since the ancient world. They were also without precedent on this scale. We need a clear statement from the top that this was wrong, and did not achieve the aims. A well-constructed reparations package would make the point. 

Reparations for the Business Victims of Lockdowns  Read Journal Article

Why Rogan Is Tied to the Stake While Maher Gets a Free Pass


Uncontrolled opposition is the biggest fear of the political and corporate establishment, even to media conglomerates. Rogan never trained to be a journalist, didn’t climb any social ladders to reach the level of the elites, has never relied on establishment advertising dollars, and yet attracts 11 million viewers and listeners to each podcast episode, eclipsing popular network TV programs.

Why Rogan Is Tied to the Stake While Maher Gets a Free Pass Read Journal Article

“The Honking Will Continue”: A Conversation With BJ Dichter


BJ Dichter is one of the organizers of the Canadian Truckers for Freedom Convoy and its media spokesman. We had an opportunity to speak with him earlier this week about the situation in Ottawa, the convoy’s strategy and about some of the political elements that are at play as this extremely fluid situation makes headlines and continues to inspire people all over the world. 

“The Honking Will Continue”: A Conversation With BJ Dichter Read Journal Article

Seven Urgent Lessons of Lockdowns


The destruction wrought by the lockdowns has many fathers—computer-modelers who terrified federal policymakers with guesses dressed up as certainties; health officials who were given the levers of government without any sense of or care for unintended consequences; governors who ruled by executive fiat.

Seven Urgent Lessons of Lockdowns Read Journal Article

Most of Our High School Lives Behind Masks


Students have begun to protest against mask mandates, and one group in an Illinois high school has received some national attention for their position. The group is Voices Unmasked and they are associated with a suburban high school outside of Chicago that has long imposed a severe masking policy. 

Most of Our High School Lives Behind Masks Read Journal Article

The CDC’s Study on Natural Immunity Explained


The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) published by the Centers for Disease Control has released a fascinating study on comparing hospitalization with Covid-19 immunity status, thus addressing a topic of pressing concern for public health. The study, published in the January 28, 2022 weekly, carries the self-explanatory title “COVID-19 Cases and Hospitalizations by COVID-19 Vaccination Status and Previous COVID-19 Diagnosis — California and New York, May–November 2021.”

The CDC’s Study on Natural Immunity Explained Read Journal Article