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Twenty Steps to End the Madness


The medical experts and these Task Forces have been wrong. Every decision has proven disastrous and they have caused far greater suffering and death from the collateral effects of the lockdowns and restrictions. Medical experts who inform governments should broaden the advisement table and allow other voices to be heard. Allow other scientists and lay persons a seat at the table for as it stands, those currently at the table have only made illogical, irrational, unscientific, nonsensical, often absurd and even reckless decisions that have only hurt lives. 

Twenty Steps to End the Madness Read Journal Article

The Wrecking of New York City: Accident or Design?


We find ourselves in an emergency situation. The world is tottering between two visions of human life. One centers on freedom and all its creativity, including cities, arts, friendships, technology, and great lives. The other centers on despotism and the relentless drive back to a state of nature: foraging for food, living in rural settings, stuck in one place, and dying young. 

The Wrecking of New York City: Accident or Design? Read Journal Article

No, Niall Ferguson, Travel and Trade Improved Health


Are we killing ourselves through our cosmopolitan bustle of business, technology, immigration, cultural exchange, agriculture, and exogamous sex? The distinguished historian and transatlantic pundit-philosopher Niall Ferguson says so in this laboriously learned, encyclopedic catalogue, Doom: The Politics of Catastrophe. 

No, Niall Ferguson, Travel and Trade Improved Health Read Journal Article

The Travel Bans Achieve Nothing for Public Health


Many countries have economies reliant on tourism, but it seems the businesses created to serve the tourists weren’t asked their opinions about this overreach. It’s worth adding that investment is the driver of all economic progress, but with travel limited, how many interesting concepts have been suffocated by a lack of exposure to the financiers whose allocations would, in normal times, propel them to greater heights? 

The Travel Bans Achieve Nothing for Public Health Read Journal Article

Covid Chaos and the Collapse of European Unity


No matter how much the public narrative tries to ignore it, no matter how much the media attempts to suppress serious discussion, critical voices are becoming louder by the day. Ever more people in both the old and the new Europe are demanding their fundamental rights and freedoms back.

Covid Chaos and the Collapse of European Unity Read Journal Article

Are You Ready and Willing to Be Free Again?


To today’s Americans, appearances are everything — we are afraid to be different, lest it make our friends uncomfortable (maybe we will lose one, whatever will we do?!) We have ceased caring about truth and authenticity entirely. We have tacitly agreed as a society that true things should be hidden whenever they conflict with what is “popular”; with what everyone “smart” and “cool” is doing. Anyone acting outside of these boundaries — the “eccentrics” of centuries past, considered by Mill to be geniuses — are today’s untouchables. 

Are You Ready and Willing to Be Free Again? Read Journal Article

These Travel Restrictions Must End 


International tourist arrivals are down by 85% from 2019. A third of the world’s borders are shut. There seems to be no movement in the direction of reversing this disaster and reinstituting the wonderful world of 2019. In fact, there seems to be very little awareness that this has happened to us much less of the terrible consequences. Forget the freedom of movement; the Biden administration has only promised to open up “when it is safe to do so.” 

These Travel Restrictions Must End  Read Journal Article