Why Denial Persists
I am convinced that the uncritical use of an electronic apparatus like a smartphone is an important factor in this lack of concern, which equals an implicit denial of possible catastrophe.
I am convinced that the uncritical use of an electronic apparatus like a smartphone is an important factor in this lack of concern, which equals an implicit denial of possible catastrophe.
But there is a new level of desecration still polluting both these icons of rural, and outback Australia. The flotsam and jetsam of so-called health advice, torn and tattered, flopping from the one remaining pin on a wall.
I thought of the advocacy for abortion upon abortion…the blurring of the bright line between life and death…the acts of degradation all around us…of obscenities played out in public…of genocidal language amplified in the public arena.
Death Gods and the Attack on President Trump Read Journal Article
Jon Meacham’s lectures on the presidential campaigns of the 19th century were brilliant, but academia and MSNBC green rooms left him detached from the present day. The historian has proven himself to be a glib spokesman for the praetorian guard.
Jon Meacham and the Launch of the Biden Hagiography Read Journal Article
Will Debt Sink the American Empire? America is “cruising” into an uncharted sea of federal debt, with a government seemingly incapable of turning it around. In other words, the uniparty has set its course, and there’s no cavalry coming.
What happened in the French legislative elections? How did Marine Le Pen’s National Rally, the big winner in the first round of elections, end up limping over the finish line in third place far behind the big winner…
The French Right: Defeat Snatched from the Jaws of Victory Read Journal Article
Accountability is highly unlikely. Whatever changes happen to pandemic protocols, even if they do happen, will be made quietly and without debate. The institutions that have experienced a loss of trust will be gradually diminished in public importance.
The Pandemic Response Was the Turning Point Read Journal Article
Maybe it is the start of an underdog story: The working-class boy from Scranton, PA fights back in the second debate, riding high from his recent, electric speech at the Democratic National Convention.
A Historical View of Today’s Political Theater Read Journal Article
By late 2020, the media and public health establishment had two obsessions. One involved forcing the public to wear masks, even though data had confirmed that they don’t stop transmission. The second obsession was forcing everyone to take Covid vaccines.
Across Europe, under the EU, and in the UK, whether an individual government is “left” or “right,” every single one is so indebted to Brussels, big banks, and major bondholders that it has no policy flexibility.
Today, there is an official and extremist public attitude of Russia hate. Few may know how far back it goes. Here I share quotations from 1836. You decide whether the quotations seem apt as criticism of today’s Russia hate.
The consolidation of advertising and its control by states strikes at the heart of what free economies are supposed to be about. And yet, states that desire maximum control over the public mind must go there.
Censorship and the Corruption of Advertising Read Journal Article