
Brownstone Journal Articles, News, Research, and Commentary on public health, science, economics, & social theory

World according to Pence

The World According to Mike Pence 


Nothing in this book contradicts what we’ve learned over these two years, namely that Mike Pence served as both a carrier pigeon and protecting veil for the national security state that took over the country in March 2020. It was he who gave the okay to Birx’s subversions. It was he who assisted in convincing Trump of the lockdowns. It was he who pushed the panic that led to massive spending, overpurchases of masks and ventilators, he who pushed for the deployment of the Defense Production Act, and he who sent the Navy hospital ship to New York that went unused. And he not only defends all his actions but implies that they were all blessed by God. 

The World According to Mike Pence  Read Journal Article

media and hospitals

What the Media Gets Wrong about Hospitals


The common thread among all of this coverage is that they all focus on the system, rather than the human. There’s this concept called “capacity” that we all somehow need to know about, and we all need to make decisions because of it. The entire concept is backwards. It’s a fundamentally utilitarian mindset that stems from a fundamental misrepresentation of how systems work, and an inverted moral philosophy that prioritizes systems over people. Hospitals were built for humankind, not humankind for the hospital. 

What the Media Gets Wrong about Hospitals Read Journal Article

focused protection

Focused Protection Is Embedded in our Calendar


Don’t allow these days to make you sedentary and depressed for this will hurt your well-being, but rather stay spiritually connected in every way possible, including with your loved ones and community. If we survive the winter, let us celebrate the life which we have been blessed with. And let us never let anyone convince us to do otherwise, even if they claim to speak in the name of “public health.”

Focused Protection Is Embedded in our Calendar Read Journal Article

autopsy report

New Autopsy Report Reveals Those Who Died Suddenly Were Likely Killed by the Covid Vaccine


A major new autopsy report has found that three people who died unexpectedly at home with no pre-existing disease shortly after Covid vaccination were likely killed by the vaccine. A further two deaths were found to be possibly due to the vaccine.

New Autopsy Report Reveals Those Who Died Suddenly Were Likely Killed by the Covid Vaccine Read Journal Article

pandemic response

Retrospectives and Reviews of Pandemic Countermeasures


In response to this hypothetical scenario, governments panicked, ignored their own pandemic preparedness plans and adopted high-risk strategies that imposed restrictions on individual liberty never seen before. These countermeasures caused major harms and collateral damage, including loss of lives from delayed medical care and the medium-term aftereffects of increased unemployment and increased extreme poverty (for example the World Bank found that  ‘the pandemic led to 97 million more people being in [extreme] poverty in 2020’).  

Retrospectives and Reviews of Pandemic Countermeasures Read Journal Article

Bankman-Fried pandemic

Sam Bankman-Fried and the Missing Billions for Pandemic Planning


The display was disgusting but entirely predictable if you understand something about how our own hunger games are played. In this decade and a half of easy money, a whole class of people has risen to the top of the cultural echelon not by productive labor but by educational credentials and being part of the corporate float. They have come to believe that the system makes sense simply because it has benefited them. This is why they so gladly took to pandemic controls when they were at their height.

Sam Bankman-Fried and the Missing Billions for Pandemic Planning Read Journal Article


What the US Can Learn From Elections in India


A Rasmussen poll near the end of September found that 84 percent of Americans expressed concern about election integrity in the imminent congressional elections. By a 62-36 majority, they held eliminating “cheating in elections” to be more important than “making it easier for everyone to vote.” 

What the US Can Learn From Elections in India Read Journal Article

EU killed Elon Musk

How the EU Killed Elon Musk’s Twitter “Amnesty”


Note that Breton’s tweet and the introductory post to his Mastodon thread both indeed call on Musk to “significantly reinforce content moderation,” thus making clear that the Commission not only disapproves of the prospect of banned accounts being restored, but also of the relatively more laissez-faire attitude that Musk has thus far adopted toward current users. 

How the EU Killed Elon Musk’s Twitter “Amnesty” Read Journal Article

Samoan lockdown

The Memory-Holed Samoan Lockdown of December 2019 


If you’re inclined to be of a suspicious nature, the fact that the Samoan lockdown was happening as the NIAID and Moderna were preparing to send a jointly owned prototype of a coronavirus vaccine to Dr Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill might just lead you to suspect it was a trial run. If timing was no more than a coincidence, it will certainly have provided useful lessons as the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness (CEPI) folks began lobbying for Covid lockdowns in Wuhan’s wake.

The Memory-Holed Samoan Lockdown of December 2019  Read Journal Article

China lockdowners

The Absurdity of Lockdowners Who Support China’s Anti-Lockdown Protests


Xi Jinping sees the concepts of democracy and human rights as mere propaganda that western elites use to further their own self-interest. So long as they approve of a policy, then it’s not a human rights violation, but if they oppose it, then it is.

The Absurdity of Lockdowners Who Support China’s Anti-Lockdown Protests Read Journal Article

public health officials

We Need Mass Resignations 


Pick your reason for the current outrage: stupidity, ignorance, or craving for power. Any of those should disqualify these people from serving in any capacity related to or associated with public health. Consideration should also be given to firing those who put these people into positions to cause suffering in those they were ostensibly hired to protect.

We Need Mass Resignations  Read Journal Article