
Brownstone Journal Articles, News, Research, and Commentary on public health, science, economics, & social theory

Covid-19 at College: Which Institutions Stayed Sane and Which Went Insane?


A review of college mitigation policies suggests that the more elite the college the more draconian the mitigation measures. With some digging, you can uncover a wide range of excellent private and public colleges. Most important to keep in mind; any school that makes complying with mandates a non-negotiable condition to making dreams come true should promptly be removed from the list.

Covid-19 at College: Which Institutions Stayed Sane and Which Went Insane? Read Journal Article

The Not-Very-Hidden Agenda of the Fact Checkers


Some anonymous drone at LinkedIn took it upon his or herself (there are no other options) to waste the time and hurt the reputation of a customer. When that customer got fed up by such horrendous abuse from a company that was supposed to provide a service, that same anonymous, unaccountable petty person or collection of people told that customer to go spend money on lawyers to sue LinkedIn for access to the data that customer (erroneously) believes he owns.

The Not-Very-Hidden Agenda of the Fact Checkers Read Journal Article


Digital Brownshirts and Their Masters


Digital Brownshirts are just the most visible and forward-leaning elements of a much broader effort to install the logic of the algorithm—a providential and vertically-imposed concept of truth that vitiates traditional fact-finding and admits neither human intelligence nor scientific debate—as a cornerstone of our human interactions and cognitive processes.

Digital Brownshirts and Their Masters Read Journal Article

The Nudge: Ethically Dubious and Ineffective


By going with the grain of how we think and act, the state-employed ‘nudgers’ can covertly shape our behaviour in a direction deemed desirable by the regime of the day – an appealing prospect for any government. The ubiquitous deployment of these behavioural strategies – which frequently rely on inflating emotional distress to change behaviour – raises profound moral questions.

The Nudge: Ethically Dubious and Ineffective Read Journal Article

Is Covid Policy Comedy, Tragedy, or Both?


Some degree of levity about the comedic qualities of the last two years is merited but it needs to be complemented by a serious commitment toward radical reform. We need a new way to think about how a good society can develop freely even in the presence of infectious disease. Freedom needs to be nonnegotiable. 

Is Covid Policy Comedy, Tragedy, or Both? Read Journal Article

Public Health Erred on the Side of Catastrophe


Overreaching public health officials and politicians—and the journalists-in-name-only who served as their mindless, unquestioning megaphones—have fully earned our withering condemnation. Indeed, holding them accountable is essential to sparing ourselves and future generations from repeating this dystopian chapter of human history.

Public Health Erred on the Side of Catastrophe Read Journal Article

The CDC Discovers Actual Public Health, Just in Time


The CDC nowhere admits this much less apologizes for it. Two years in, the CDC seems to have rediscovered the traditional practice of public health, and has justified this new wisdom based on changed conditions, while never even bothering to claim that its previous measures and guidelines achieved anything along the way. 

The CDC Discovers Actual Public Health, Just in Time Read Journal Article