Search Results for: mask

doctor opinion

A Doctor Cannot Give his Professional Opinion? 


The authorities were wrong in every single aspect of the pandemic: the number of deaths, the number of deaths predicted, the lockdown, the masks, the faux-vaccine, the treatments, the medications, the collateral damage, the refusal to give treatment to the unvaccinated, the ethics. The covid fiasco and the resulting censorship and persecution will go down as one of the classic cases to be taught in medical schools for decades to come.

A Doctor Cannot Give his Professional Opinion?  Read More

Brownstone Institute - The Covid Resistance Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize

The Covid Resistance Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize


It’s hard to see the Norwegian Nobel Committee defying the suffocating Covid narrative that took over the Western world, with a very few honourable exceptions. Of course if they were to do so, that would really stir things up and help to dismantle the narrative. One can but hope for the best while expecting otherwise.

The Covid Resistance Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize Read More

I Weep for My Profession: Letter to the American Economic Association


Your announcement ensures that I will not attend the meetings under such absurd restrictions. Furthermore, it makes me weep for my profession, for it is strong evidence that today’s leaders of the world’s most prestigious organization of professional economists are unaware of basic facts about covid and, worse, ignorant of basic tenets of economics. 

I Weep for My Profession: Letter to the American Economic Association Read More

Covid Response Museum

The Covid Response Museum


The target inauguration date for the museum is March 25, 2023, which is the third anniversary of mass incarceration of one-sixth of humanity, i.e. India’s first lockdown. To start, the museum will be online. We also encourage people to setup physical museums using the material from this website, under creative commons license: free to share with attribution.

The Covid Response Museum Read More

When Did Trump Change His Mind about Lockdowns?


Consider the incredible timeline here. Trump readily agreed to a two-week lockdown, even though he had no such direct power to order such a thing. He then agreed to a 30-day extension though all reports are that he was upset that he had done so. And even after 36 days, he was publicly critical of Republican governors who proposed a reopening.

When Did Trump Change His Mind about Lockdowns? Read More

after covid

After Covid: Twelve Challenges for a Shattered World 


No question that the administrative bureaucracies would lock down again under the same or new pretext. Yes, they will face more opposition the next time and trust in their wisdom has fallen off a cliff. But the pandemic response also granted them new powers of surveillance, enforcement, and hegemony. The scientism that drove the response informs everything they do. So the next time, it will be harder to restrain them. 

After Covid: Twelve Challenges for a Shattered World  Read More

Flagellantism Is the New Political Ritual 

Flagellantism Is the New Political Ritual 


It’s not just about eating bugs. It’s about a whole theory and practice of life and salvation itself, a new religion to replace all the old ones. Cough up your government-issued ID, send your package if you must, think twice before complaining about anything on social media, and figure out a way to channel your depression and despair into quiet humble gratitude and acquiescence., Don’t forget to recycle. The flagellants have taken over the world.

Flagellantism Is the New Political Ritual  Read More

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