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The Politicization of Medical Research
July 26, 2024
Medical and scientific journals have broken with tradition to make political recommendations. Both Scientific American and the New England Journal of Medicine formally endorsed Joe Biden for President in 2020.
Conservatives Cancel the Cancellers
Conservatives Cancel the Cancellers
July 26, 2024
Calls for deportation of a comedy band over a failed joke…in the wake of the failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump, it’s conservatives who have led the charge to cancel their political enemies over speech.
The Dark Arts of Psychology: Nudges
July 26, 2024
A number of peer-reviewed papers have come to light, exposing just how pervasive and damaging the use of nudges was during Covid-19. They also reveal how nudging is being used to control individuals and populations on matters such as health.
Biden and the Media's 'Anti-Disinformation Campaign
Biden and the Media's 'Anti-Disinformation Campaign
July 25, 2024
Perhaps the biggest lie was the years-long campaign to “debunk” suggestions that Biden was growing incapable of commanding the highest office in the land. PolitiFact was very diligent in “fact-checking” “cheap fakes” that alleged Joe Biden was senile.
Immutable Rules Made Mutable in the New Age
Immutable Rules Made Mutable in the New Age
July 25, 2024
The very notion of certainty has been hobbled by the pandemic response, the surveillance state, and the socialist socialite power structure at the heart of globalism. Experts are no longer experts. Institutions can no longer be trusted.
From Science Chief to Minister of Controversy
From Science Chief to Minister of Controversy
July 24, 2024
The Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath has secured a powerful position within the Government by being aligned with its Net Zero agenda. So, is he really a ‘man of Science’, or one with a self-serving agenda?
NIH's Latest Desperate Attempt to Incite Fear
NIH's Latest Desperate Attempt to Incite Fear
July 24, 2024
Fauci is no longer part of NIH, having departed for the considerable financial rewards available from the private sector. So as a result of his timely exit, we must finally be witnessing improvements regarding government studies and communication, right? Right?
Why Denial Persists
Why Denial Persists
July 24, 2024
I am convinced that the uncritical use of an electronic apparatus like a smartphone is an important factor in this lack of concern, which equals an implicit denial of possible catastrophe.
The Desecration of Australia
The Desecration of Australia's Icons
July 23, 2024
But there is a new level of desecration still polluting both these icons of rural, and outback Australia. The flotsam and jetsam of so-called health advice, torn and tattered, flopping from the one remaining pin on a wall.
Death Gods and the Attack on President Trump
Death Gods and the Attack on President Trump
July 23, 2024
I thought of the advocacy for abortion upon abortion…the blurring of the bright line between life and death…the acts of degradation all around us…of obscenities played out in public…of genocidal language amplified in the public arena.
Jon Meacham and the Launch of the Biden Hagiography
Jon Meacham and the Launch of the Biden Hagiography
July 22, 2024
Jon Meacham’s lectures on the presidential campaigns of the 19th century were brilliant, but academia and MSNBC green rooms left him detached from the present day. The historian has proven himself to be a glib spokesman for the praetorian guard.
Will Debt Sink the American Empire?
Will Debt Sink the American Empire?
July 22, 2024
Will Debt Sink the American Empire? America is "cruising" into an uncharted sea of federal debt, with a government seemingly incapable of turning it around. In other words, the uniparty has set its course, and there's no cavalry coming.
The French Right: Defeat Snatched from the Jaws of Victory
The French Right: Defeat Snatched from the Jaws of Victory
July 22, 2024
What happened in the French legislative elections? How did Marine Le Pen’s National Rally, the big winner in the first round of elections, end up limping over the finish line in third place far behind the big winner…
The Pandemic Response Was the Turning Point
The Pandemic Response Was the Turning Point
July 21, 2024
Accountability is highly unlikely. Whatever changes happen to pandemic protocols, even if they do happen, will be made quietly and without debate. The institutions that have experienced a loss of trust will be gradually diminished in public importance.
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