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Brownstone Institute - How to Repair Our Post Repentance Culture

How to Repair Our Post-Repentance Culture


Maybe I’m blind to their existence, but outside the largely narcissistic and comfortably non-personal woke rituals of remorse, I see few institutional pressures in our culture for young people, or anyone for that matter, to undertake the serious and always consequential act of examining their behaviors in the light of moral principles. Just the opposite, in fact. 

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Those Who Cry "Far Right" Have No Idea What's Happening in Dublin

Those Who Cry “Far Right” Have No Idea What’s Happening in Dublin


You might think that a government faced with a barbaric public stabbing of schoolchildren and an unprecedented night of rioting in its capital city would extend condolences to the victims, take a deep breath, and try to figure out how a city managed to spiral out of control on its watch. But instead, Thursday’s riots in Dublin were met by a shallow, one-dimensional analysis by all of the key authorities involved: to blame the “far right.”

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The Macroeconomic Consequences of Lockdowns and the Aftermath


Washington compensated one and all for the resulting harm and then some by unleashing a $6 trillion spending bacchanalia in less than 14 months, which was accomplished with barely a dissent from either party to the Washington duopoly because interest rates on government debt had plunged to an all-time low. In turn, that was enabled by the most reckless spurt of money printing and debt monetization in recorded history.

The Macroeconomic Consequences of Lockdowns and the Aftermath Read More

free speech rights

A Tremendous Victory for Free Speech 


Friday’s decision provides a crucial step in fighting against that informational totalitarianism. The Fifth Circuit issued an injunction that prohibits the Biden Administration from taking actions, “to coerce or significantly encourage social-media companies to remove, delete, suppress, or reduce, including through altering their algorithms, posted social-media content containing protected free speech.”  

A Tremendous Victory for Free Speech  Read More


Just Who Caused this Polarization?


The Polarization began many years before Social Media or the Internet were even a twinkle in their inventor’s eyes. It was government ministers who started it, and the Mainstream Media who have nurtured it ever since. The one-sided discussion format gradually extended from government ministers to lesser politicians and then to pundits, until it gradually became the norm.

Just Who Caused this Polarization? Read More


Let’s Stop Investing Rhetorical Flourishes with Legal Weight 


We now face an entrenched elite, backed by the full might of the Deep State and its well-researched tools of cognitive conditioning who see us as a largely unindividuated biomass that can and should be manipulated into serving what they see as their transcendently conceived ends. 

Let’s Stop Investing Rhetorical Flourishes with Legal Weight  Read More

Living Everywhere in a Carceral Surveillance State

Living Everywhere in a Carceral Surveillance State


If you live in a Chinese city, or even in London, you are probably so used to surveillance cameras all around you – on lamp posts, the corners of buildings, and so on – that you would hardly bat an eyelid. Yet what contemporary city-denizens take for granted was not always the case, and most people would be surprised to know that surveillance has a long history, and was linked to modes of punishment from early on. 

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