
Articles featuring analysis of the global censorship industrial complex, impacts on public health, free trade, liberty, and policy.

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Is Censorship the Biden Era’s Torture Issue?

Is Censorship the Biden Era’s Torture Issue?


When the government heaves the law and Constitution overboard, euphemisms become the coin of the realm. During the Bush era, it wasn’t torture—it was merely “enhanced interrogation”. Nowadays, the issue is not “censorship”—but merely “content moderation.” And “moderation” is such a virtue that it happened millions of times a year thanks to the feds arm-twisting social media companies, according to federal court decisions.

Is Censorship the Biden Era’s Torture Issue? Read Journal Article

The Death and Resurrection of Science

The Death and Resurrection of Science


We must fight with everything we have against governments that behave in a dictatorial manner, against the evidence, using substandard experts, “for our own good,” as they say. The best way forward is to learn as much as possible about the methods governments used to suppress and distort the science. The Great Barrington Declaration, which has received almost a million signatures, was an important milestone. We need to establish an international cooperation of scientists at the highest level who will stand together and never again accept to be silenced when the next pandemic hits us.

The Death and Resurrection of Science Read Journal Article

Did Lockdowns Set a Global Revolt in Motion?

Did Lockdowns Set a Global Revolt in Motion?


The slogan became popular about ten years ago: the revolution will be decentralized with the creation of robust parallel institutions. There is no other path. The intellectual parlor game is over. This is a real-life struggle for freedom itself. It’s resist and rebuild or doom.

Did Lockdowns Set a Global Revolt in Motion? Read Journal Article

Chevron, Murthy, and 'Supreme' Hypocrisy

Chevron, Murthy, and ‘Supreme’ Hypocrisy


The majority of the court appeared to favor eliminating Chevron. It would be the height of hypocrisy – and one the most culturally devastating decisions since Dred Scott – to not see the parallels and to rule any other way than against the government in Murthy. With that ruling, we can begin to gather in the tentacles of the censorship monster.

Chevron, Murthy, and ‘Supreme’ Hypocrisy Read Journal Article

Justices' Grave Error in Murthy v. Missouri

Justices’ Grave Error in Murthy v. Missouri


If the justices want to distinguish between persuasion and coercion in the injunction, they need to appreciate that social media companies operate in a very different relationship with government than traditional print media. These asymmetrical power dynamics create a relationship ripe for unconstitutional government coercion.

Justices’ Grave Error in Murthy v. Missouri Read Journal Article

Supreme Court Divided on Censorship- Brownstone Institute

Supreme Court Divided on Censorship


If I’m a betting man, I’ll place my money (though not much money) that we’ll get a 5-4 or 6-3 decision upholding some kind of injunction. And while I hate to admit it, things could also go the other way. I think it will be close. Supreme Court decisions are notoriously difficult to predict, and it appears there are enemies of free speech on the bench even in the highest Court in the land.

Supreme Court Divided on Censorship Read Journal Article

Fact-Checker, Check Thyself

Fact-Checker, Check Thyself


Thorsteinn Siglaugsson was wickedly accurate in sketching the typology of fact-checking techniques. Create a straw-man argument that can be easily knocked down. Assert that a claim is not supported by evidence, is questioned by other experts, lacks context, is misleading, or is only partly true, etc. Engage in ad hominem attacks against the person rather than with their evidence and argument.

Fact-Checker, Check Thyself Read Journal Article

2024 Brownstone Institute Books and Publications

Where We Are Now


The influence of this work has been extremely broad and deep throughout the world. And keep in mind, we were only founded in May 2021 and still only have the tiniest of staff, with a budget that is a miniscule fraction of what major think tanks in Washington and elsewhere spend every year, to say nothing of the Gates Foundation and government agencies. The experience absolutely proves that one dedicated group of people can do so much with just a little. 

Where We Are Now Read Journal Article

Harvard's Latest Act of Shame

Harvard’s Latest Act of Shame


Harvard, once an esteemed and trustworthy source in science, has lost its way. The firing of Martin for speaking freely during the pandemic is a disaster for Harvard’s reputation. There is a petition for having Martin reinstated at Harvard, but we hope he is not interested in going back, which does not deserve to have a professor like Martin among its faculty. 

Harvard’s Latest Act of Shame Read Journal Article