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Children Are Gifts, Not Projects

Children Are Gifts, Not Projects


Could it be that if we were to take a bit more time to reflect on the inherent resourcefulness of our offspring as children of God, we might worry a little less about ensuring that they become cogs in our culture’s clearly sputtering machine of material “success” and thus be less inclined to cede before the “Drug him or else he’ll never be a success” entreaties of ostensibly well-meaning authorities?

Children Are Gifts, Not Projects Read More

What's the Point of the Administrative Class?

What’s the Point of the Administrative Class?


The administrative class – at all levels, in all organizations – portrays itself as indispensable. Nothing would get done without the smooth operation of the internal mechanics of a company, a government agency, any group you care to mention. Tasks must be performed, memos sent, regulations and procedures codified.

What’s the Point of the Administrative Class? Read More

The Heroes Who Still Fight

The Heroes Who Still Fight


For all my Covid writing, I probably don’t do enough to publicize the heroes of our freedom movement or the victories “our side” has achieved. One group that’s clearly made a profound difference – and saved countless lives – is the organization No College Mandates, co-founded by a former California lawyer, Lucia Sinatra.

The Heroes Who Still Fight Read More

The Service of Dissent

The Service of Dissent


In the last four years we have seen an astonishing rise in censorship, as in other forms of bullying and coercion, inside and outside the academy, even from governments and state agencies. We can’t reverse that by regret. We can only reverse it by acts of resistance. The first antidote to censorship is bold speech and consistent action. Of that, Patrick Provost has provided an admirable example that we ought all to follow.

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Letters to a Young Medical Student

Letters to a Young Medical Student


The mindset has over the past several decades coalesced into a religion of sorts. It has its tenets that are now taken on faith and condemns anyone who questions them or commits acts of “heresy.” And, something of which you must be aware is that the “true believers” see any challengers as heretics and are willing to ruthlessly suppress or cancel with bad recommendations, direct attacks on employment, sanctioning through exercises of administrative power, etc. I do think that there is some growing pushback but we will need to see its development.

Letters to a Young Medical Student Read More

Nightmares of the Elite

Nightmares of the Elite


People we’ve been led to believe are “learned” are actually shockingly ignorant (or plain evil). But these people will still be leading these organizations tomorrow and 10 years from today. I didn’t know this knowledge would cause me to have recurring nightmares, but it has. My dream’s definitely telling me to write about this, which I’ve now done. Maybe I’ll now get a peaceful night’s sleep.

Nightmares of the Elite Read More

The Fall of Critical Thinking- Brownstone Institute

The Fall of Critical Thinking


The most alarming aspect of the contemporary scene may actually not be things like the horrific potential of nuclear and biological weapons. Instead, it could be the rejection of objective truth and rational thought as essential guides to sensible conduct. When even the sciences and medicine become unmoored from reason and reality, we are all in serious trouble.

The Fall of Critical Thinking Read More

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