
History articles feature analysis of historical context in relation to censorship, policy, technology, media, economics, and social life.

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covid quarantine

The Quarantine of Humans and Pets at the Height of Covid Mania 


We were in a time of widespread panic and paranoia after the country, and the world, shut down in March 2020. TV people, politicians, and bureaucrats forbid singing, church-going, and gathering for Thanksgiving dinner. We were told to be wary of anyone near us.

The Quarantine of Humans and Pets at the Height of Covid Mania  Read Journal Article


Is Serfdom Humanity’s Default?


The real problem is that, as our fellow Americans wind their way blithely down the road to serfdom, they are taking the rest of us with them. Because we cannot have a country in which some are allowed to live freely, according to their own lights, assuming the concomitant risks, while others are “guaranteed” a life free only from such decisions and responsibilities.

Is Serfdom Humanity’s Default? Read Journal Article

The First Champion of Free Speech


Thomas Moore’s refusal to violate his conscience cost him everything: imprisoned in the Tower of London, he was eventually beheaded by orders of the King. More was eventually canonized a Catholic saint (he is patron of lawyers and politicians—yes even politicians have a patron saint!). But he can also be considered a martyr for free speech. 

The First Champion of Free Speech Read Journal Article

EcoHealth Alliance’s Wuhan-Virus Dalliances


Recently, Brownstone.org received communication from EcoHealth Alliance in response to my article Dr. Anthony Fauci’s Own ‘Gain-of-Function.’ Eco-Health claims the Wuhan work on bat coronaviruses didn’t meet the definition of gain-of-function and asks that we amend the article, with any such updates credited to “an EcoHealth Alliance spokesperson.” 

EcoHealth Alliance’s Wuhan-Virus Dalliances Read Journal Article

Brownstone Institute - our enemy: the government

Covid and the Expansion and Abuse of State Power


People were told when and where they could shop, the hours during which they could shop, what they could purchase, how close they could get to others, and which direction they could move in by following arrows on the floor. Governments also stepped into nations’ bedrooms to dictate with whom we could and could not be intimate.

Covid and the Expansion and Abuse of State Power Read Journal Article

Brownstone Institute - Sweden

If Sweden Won, Why are Swedish Birth Rates Plummeting?


Swedish birth rates have been below the prior 10-year trend for no less than 20 months now and the Swedish birth shortfall has gotten progressively worse, reaching a low of -15.5 percent in April of this year and standing at nearly -15 percent according to the latest figures. The Läkaruppropet doctors point out, moreover, that the decline in Swedish birth rates began after Covid-19 vaccinations were rolled out to women of childbearing age.

If Sweden Won, Why are Swedish Birth Rates Plummeting? Read Journal Article


The Triumph of the Apocalyptics


Brownstone was founded in light of the above history to shine a light on higher ideals, not a Schmittian war between friends and enemies but societies of compassion, dignity, freedom, rights, and the exercise of human volition against all threats and uses of violence public and private. This is our guiding light now and always. Apocalypticism builds nothing; it only destroys. It’s the instantiation of the philosophy of The Joker. No nation and no community can survive it. 

The Triumph of the Apocalyptics Read Journal Article

lab origin

Origin of COVID-19: The Biggest Cover Up in Medical History


Science is about probabilities. When I consider the odds for the various possible explanations, I have no doubt that the pandemic was caused by a lab leak in Wuhan and that the virus was manufactured there. The cover-up of the origin of SARS-CoV-2 is the worst in medical history. This will stand as a pillar of shame in the coming centuries. 

Origin of COVID-19: The Biggest Cover Up in Medical History Read Journal Article

Dan Andrews

Dictator Dan is Gone


Victorian Premier Dan Andrews, who imposed the world’s longest Covid lockdowns on his state, officially steps down from his position today. Andrews earned the nickname ‘Dictator Dan’ for his strongman style of leadership during the pandemic years. He leaves a legacy of brutality, debt, and corruption. 

Dictator Dan is Gone Read Journal Article

Fauci CIA

Fauci and the CIA: A New Explanation Emerges


If this whole scenario is true, it means that all along Fauci was merely playing a role, a front man for much deeper interests and priorities in the CIA-led intelligence community. This broad outline makes sense of why Fauci changed his mind on lockdowns, including the timing of the change. There are still many more details to know, but these new fragments of new information take our understanding in a new and more coherent direction. 

Fauci and the CIA: A New Explanation Emerges Read Journal Article

government censorship

Pandemic Samizdat in the US


Censorship is the death of science and inevitably leads to the death of people. America should be a bulwark against it, but it was not during the pandemic. Though the tide is turning with the Missouri v. Biden case, we must reform our scientific institutions so what happened during the pandemic never happens again.

Pandemic Samizdat in the US Read Journal Article