
Masks articles feature analysis and commentary related to mask mandates, masking policy, research, public health, and social life.

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New Study Confirms CDC and Other 'Experts' Hurt Children for Nothing

New Study Confirms CDC and Other ‘Experts’ Hurt Children for Nothing


As often discussed, in a sane world, this systematic review would permanently shut the door on further discussions of forced child masking. Higher quality research has confirmed that there is no evidence masks are effective and eliminating bias and confounders unsurprisingly shows the same result with children.

New Study Confirms CDC and Other ‘Experts’ Hurt Children for Nothing Read More

Did Cochrane's Masks Study Get it Wrong?

Did Cochrane’s Masks Study Get it Wrong?


“Forcing people to wear masks has been a failure of public health. The reason we are still having the mask debate is because authorities relied on trash studies to justify their use, and wanted to appear as if they were doing something. In a crisis, it is always more difficult to do nothing,” Gøtzsche said.

Did Cochrane’s Masks Study Get it Wrong? Read More

None So Blind: New York Wants Children Masked at Schools Again

None So Blind: New York Wants Children Masked at Schools Again


New York City government’s worldview demands an unending alliance with “The Science™,” despite the “experts” involved in creating it being summarily discredited. Acknowledging that they misled the public would remove their unearned sense of superiority and obsessive dedication to pretending that progressive political views are “science” based.

None So Blind: New York Wants Children Masked at Schools Again Read More

fear of a microbial planet

Ten Examples Where Experts Were Wrong 


Unfortunately, many of these examples are not becoming outdated. Mask mandates have returned in some places, including schools, despite no high-quality supporting evidence. Same for COVID vaccine booster recommendations for healthy people under 65. Many European countries, including Denmark, have altered their recommendations based on careful risk/benefit analyses. Once again, although it would seem obvious that U.S. leaders should have followed suit, that didn’t happen.

Ten Examples Where Experts Were Wrong  Read More

Mask Up and Don't Ask Questions

Mask Up and Don’t Ask Questions


Now, for our own good, we are supposed to relive the covid fiasco, perhaps to gauge how submissive the population remains. Considering the fact that neither the overlords nor the rank-and-file Covidians were ever held accountable—not at the local level, not at the state/provincial level, not at the national level—there is a basis for their optimism. 

Mask Up and Don’t Ask Questions Read More

masking religion

The Religion of Masking 


Masking restrictions are not a “health power” the state governments are permitted to enforce. Masking mandates are not a public health measure the federal government is permitted to sanction. Both impede life and liberty guaranteed to the People by being human and safeguarded by the People through enforcing our Constitution. As such, the People will not comply.

The Religion of Masking  Read More

Rhode Island Mask

Why is Rhode Island Still Irrationally Targeting School Children with “Masking and Testing” Policies?


One of the consistent mercies of the SARS-CoV-2 “covid-19 pandemic,” even at its most virulent initial stages, has been the paucity of serious disease in children generally, and healthy children, universally. Covid-19 always was and remains a very highly age- and comorbid risk-stratified disease that targets the extremely frail elderly—especially those in congregate care—and the otherwise middle-aged to elderly with multiple (for example, ≥ 6!), severe, chronic comorbidities.

Why is Rhode Island Still Irrationally Targeting School Children with “Masking and Testing” Policies? Read More

Cochrane Mask

Lead Author of Cochrane Mask Review Responds to Fauci’s Dismissal of Evidence 


Jefferson explains that the entire point of the Cochrane review was to systematically sift through all the available randomised data on physical interventions such as masks and determine what was useful and what was not. “It might be that Fauci is relying on trash studies,” said Jefferson. “Many of them are observational, some are cross-sectional, and some actually use modelling. That is not strong evidence.”

Lead Author of Cochrane Mask Review Responds to Fauci’s Dismissal of Evidence  Read More

biden mask mandate

Revisiting the Biden Legal Position on Masks


It’s not difficult to discern what we might call the Biden Doctrine of administrative rule-making. It means that the agencies can order whatever they want, whether or not there is any plausible basis in law or whether or not there is any rational basis for it at all. It is a doctrine of bureaucratic supremacy. 

Revisiting the Biden Legal Position on Masks Read More

universal masking

Universal Masking In Health Care Settings Is Unnecessary


It seems like the era of universal masking in healthcare settings might be coming to an end. But I can’t help but feel a little skeptical about this sudden change of heart. Maybe it’s just me, but I think we deserve some straight talk about what really happened behind the scenes during this pandemic roller coaster ride. After all, hindsight is 20/20, and it’s high time we got some honest answers.

Universal Masking In Health Care Settings Is Unnecessary Read More

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