
Pharma articles feature opinion and analysis of Big Pharma including impacts on economics, public policy, social life, and more.

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Covid Exposed the Medical-Pharmaceutical-Government Complex 


The Med/Pharma/Gov establishment, including the NIH and CDC, hasn’t saved America during 2020-22. To the contrary, Covid interventions have worsened overall societal outcomes. These net harms should have inflicted—and, depending on longer-term vaxx effects, may yet inflict—a big black eye on the Medical Industrial Complex. 

Covid Exposed the Medical-Pharmaceutical-Government Complex  Read Journal Article


The Anatomy of Big Pharma’s Political Reach


The public typically relies on an endorsement from government agencies to help them decide whether or not a new drug, vaccine, or medical device is safe and effective. And those agencies, like the FDA, count on clinical research. As already established, big pharma is notorious for getting its hooks into influential government officials. Here’s another sobering truth: The majority of scientific research is paid for by the pharmaceutical companies.

The Anatomy of Big Pharma’s Political Reach Read Journal Article

New Hampshire Votes for Pharmaceutical Freedom


This battle is much larger than the legal status of Ivermectin. That’s just one symbol. What’s really at stake here is the idea of medical freedom itself. And freedom is a precondition for scientific inquiry and the search for the truth. It is also essential for public health. This is one of many lessons of the disastrously botched pandemic. 

New Hampshire Votes for Pharmaceutical Freedom Read Journal Article

The COVAX Delusion Reinforces Pharmaceutical Colonialism


COVAX is a vehicle by which a very powerful and wealthy group seeks to impose a new paradigm on global public health, with centralized, pharma-based interventions replacing community-driven healthcare and national health sovereignty. We cannot afford to leave it as a side issue to the local battles that we face, or our successes will be pyrrhic. The corporatist, centralized health paradigm that COVAX epitomizes is a fog of delusion that seeks to ensnare us all.

The COVAX Delusion Reinforces Pharmaceutical Colonialism Read Journal Article

Saturday Night Fights at the Pharmacy


The majority of pharmacists (not all!) have simply stopped thinking critically or devoting effort to review the evidence base, instead simply believing what they are told by their Boards (a.k.a. their “Ministries of Truth”). As if the insane numbers of ill omicron patients to care for is not challenging enough.

Saturday Night Fights at the Pharmacy Read Journal Article

Your Booster Life: How Big Pharma Adopted the Subscription Model of Profitability


What if, by depriving us of normal life, those who stand to gain from vaccines can forever cement themselves at the center of society by providing an artificial replacement for what our immune systems used to do to protect us against common respiratory viruses back when we were still allowed to live normal lives? 

Your Booster Life: How Big Pharma Adopted the Subscription Model of Profitability Read Journal Article

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