
Philosophy articles feature reflection and analysis about public life, values, ethics, and morals.

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Love, Not Fear, Will Get Us Through This Crisis


Our task, should we choose to accept it, is to do our best to minimise that harm, to ensure that the cure (which presently consists predominantly of sowing fear, trauma and social division, and the rapidly dismantling our human rights and democracy) is not worse than the disease. One thing we know about human nature is that when we face a crisis head on, with open hearts and open minds, with ‘good-faith’ collaboration rather than ‘enemy-image’ animosity, wholesome solutions invariably emerge.

Love, Not Fear, Will Get Us Through This Crisis Read More

The Violence of the Mandate Intensifies the Psychology of Trauma: A View from New Zealand


New Zealanders find themselves caught within a vicious dynamic—two heavily polarised threat responses, with each group seeing the ‘other’ as a selfish and threatening enemy that must somehow be neutralised, and with many members on each side feeling as though they are in a fight for their life.

The Violence of the Mandate Intensifies the Psychology of Trauma: A View from New Zealand Read More

Why Are So Many Choosing a Life in a Cage? ~ Dr. Julie Ponesse


“Today, we face substantial rewards for compliance; if we comply with the government’s pandemic response measures (masking, distancing, lockdowns, and now the ever-increasing and nebulous vaccine rollout), we are granted the conditional privilege of reentrance into society; and the penalties for failing to comply? being bullied, shamed, excluded, cancelled, even fined or arrested.”

Why Are So Many Choosing a Life in a Cage? ~ Dr. Julie Ponesse Read More

Media Pushes Mass Confusion over Cause and Effect


A person who is convinced that making green tea causes it to rain isn’t going to be open-minded toward a lecture on atmospheric science and cloud formation. Similarly, based on the above examples, South Korea’s case increases are due to too much freedom, a virus caused 100,000 to die of drug overdoses, and the president can crush a pathogen with behavioral guidelines and mandates. 

Media Pushes Mass Confusion over Cause and Effect Read More

Vaclav Havel and the Semiotics of Public Masking


To reject the ideological schemes of “reality” imposed from above to instead embrace the most true and fundamental impulses of life is precisely what those wonderful pilots, nurses, teachers, policemen, lawyers parents and many others are doing right now before the tyranny of mask and vaccine mandates. 

Vaclav Havel and the Semiotics of Public Masking Read More

why vaccine mandates are unethical

Vaccine Mandates are Unethical


It is an odd reality about vaccine mandates that they aim to increase vaccination among working-age adults and even children, including those with natural immunity, rather than the high-risk elderly. The well of public trust in public health is finite, and to waste it on a policy that seeks to increase vaccination rates in a lower risk population makes little sense. 

Vaccine Mandates are Unethical Read More

Bill Gates

Why Bill Gates Is Pivoting on Existing Covid Vaccines


Once you understand the simplicity of his core confusions, everything else he says makes sense from his point of view. He seems forever stuck in the fallacy that the human being is a cog in a massive machine called society that cries out for his managerial and technological leadership to improve to the point of operational perfection.

Why Bill Gates Is Pivoting on Existing Covid Vaccines Read More

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