Public Health

Analysis of public health, social and public policy including impacts on  economics, open dialog, and social life. Articles on the topic of public health are translated into multiple languages.

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Plagues and the Unleashing of Power


We can see the long arm of history reaching from the times of the Black Death to modern epidemics, where coercion and state control are accepted by a terrified public and conveniently deemed by a power-hungry elite to be the only acceptable way to combat natural disasters, even at the risk of tremendous and unnecessary collateral damage.

Plagues and the Unleashing of Power Read More

We Need Truth and Justice


The free world is stuck tallying the costs of its catastrophic foray into totalitarianism. Most of these costs were predicted well before the policies were ever implemented. Hundreds of millions have gone hungry. An entire generation of children has been abused and traumatized. Young people were robbed of some of their brightest years. Small businesses and those who depended on them lost their livelihoods. Trillions of dollars were transferred from the world’s poorest to its very richest.

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How Mitigation Caused Carnage: Interview with Knut Wittkowski


SHARE | PRINT | EMAILKnut Wittkowski, PhD, is currently CEO of ASDERA and formerly a Rockefeller University researcher in biostatistics and epidemiology. He was also among the very first scientists to publicly oppose Covid mitigation strategies of lockdowns and closures in late March 2020. Here, in the first time they have

How Mitigation Caused Carnage: Interview with Knut Wittkowski Read More

This Is Not Normal and No One Should Accept It


Our ruling class saw in Covid an opportunity to radically revolutionize society: recall how the phrase “the new normal” emerged almost immediately in the first weeks of the pandemic. In the first month Anthony Fauci made the absurd suggestion that perhaps never again would we go back to shaking hands. Never again?

This Is Not Normal and No One Should Accept It Read More

Interview with Sunetra Gupta

Lockdowns Shredded the Social Contract: Interview with Sunetra Gupta


Sunetra Gupta, epidemiologist at Oxford University and a prolific historian and novelist, and a contributor at Brownstone Institute, speaks to Jeffrey Tucker of Brownstone about the brutal attack on democracy and equality that came with lockdowns, and how they unleashed a reactionary spirit in the world in which we were all invited to divide society by class, race, profession, and political compliance with mandates.

Lockdowns Shredded the Social Contract: Interview with Sunetra Gupta Read More

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