Public Health and Lockdowns: Interview
Here Russ Roberts and I engaged in a close examination Covid-19 and the policy response. To what extent was this a normal response? What were the costs?
Here Russ Roberts and I engaged in a close examination Covid-19 and the policy response. To what extent was this a normal response? What were the costs?
We are still struggling to get back what we lost in this dreadful year, and the party in power now looks back not with horror at the results of political panic but rather with a sense of opportunity for all that might be possible in the years ahead.
An Inside Look at the Lockdown Orders from March 2020 Read Journal Article
The ideal of the common good, inseparable from the ideal of freedom, has a noble heritage. It is worth recapturing before we find ourselves in endless cycles of tribal warfare, now even in the name of public health.
Whatever Happened to the Ideal of the Common Good? Read Journal Article
The single most important fact about the COVID pandemic—in terms of deciding how to respond to it on both an individual and a governmental basis—is that it is not equally dangerous for everybody. This became clear very early on, but for some reason our public health messaging failed to get this fact out to the public.
A Sensible and Compassionate Anti-Covid Strategy Read Journal Article
For the health of science and the country, we need an honest and thorough evaluation of Covid policies, not one that can be dismissed as a whitewash like the World Health Organization’s efforts.
What a Real Covid Commission Would Achieve Read Journal Article
SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL“Endemicity” is not a word that rolls off the vernacular tongue. Still, its new prominence in the halls of governments around the world is a huge ray of hope. It means that governments have at long last begun to regard the pathogen as potentially a manageable part
The Astonishing Failure of Government Virus Control Read Journal Article
Premonition is great at characterizing lockdowner views and thus revealing what’s wrong with them, however inadvertently.
With Premonition, Michael Lewis Gets It Backwards Read Journal Article
We need desperately to rethink the panicked ideology that consumed the nation last year and still consumes the world today. Liberty and health go together. These plans to eradicate the next germ to come along eradicate instead everything we love about life, namely its liberty and our rights to choose.
Are We Too Ready for the Next Pandemic? Read Journal Article
We don’t really need JAMA to tell us that plugging up a child’s ability to breathe freely is a bad idea. You only need good sense and a slight capacity for empathetic compassion, a trait in short supply among policy makers these days.
A system that would severely damage human psychological health and thus, morality would be one that dramatically uproots every freedom that people had previously taken for granted. The phrase “unleash hell” comes to mind; that is literally what lockdowns did to this country. We see it in surveys of mental health and it manifests itself in crime and the general collapse of public morals.
Due to public opposition, there is no vaccine passport in the US and one is not likely anytime soon. Good. That represents a big failure on the part of the disease planners. They wanted it otherwise.
Americans Reclaim their Right to Travel Read Journal Article
The biggest problem was an intellectual failing, and it was one shared by media elites and high-end intellectuals. They had not come to terms with the core truth that pathogens are part of the world around us and always have been. New viruses come along and their trajectory follows certain patterns. In humanity’s delicate dance with them, we need intelligence, rationality, and clarity in order to avoid the illusion of control – none of which are strengths of government.
Trump’s Bizarre Covid Actions Explained Read Journal Article