
Analysis of Big Pharma, vaccines, and policy including impacts on public health, economics, open dialog, and social life. Articles on the topic of vaccines are translated into multiple languages.

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Another Damning EU Vaccine Safety Report

Another Damning EU Vaccine Safety Report


Germany had the highest number of recorded cases, a total of 114,573, which accounted for 22.5% of all worldwide cases for that 6-month period. It is worth noting that from December 2020 through to June 2022, a staggering 323,684 individual reports of suspected Covid-19 vaccine side effects were received by The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, an Agency of the German Federal Ministry of Health. Yet, despite this large number, Karl Lauterbach, Germany’s Minister for Health, known for his pro-lockdown and pro-vaccine stance, made the unsubstantiated claim that the “vaccine was without side effects” in August 2021.

Another Damning EU Vaccine Safety Report Read Journal Article

WHO is Wrong to Rush the Vote

The WHO is Wrong to Rush the Vote 


The World Health Organization (WHO) recently put up a defense of its violation of its own legal requirements by submitting draft amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) for a vote at the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) this May. This was in response to various concerns raised in parliaments and civil society. This matters because (i) in ignoring legal requirements and rushing a vote the WHO is putting global health and economies at risk, and (ii) the WHO is acting like a spoiled child, which suggests the organization is no longer fit for its mandate.

The WHO is Wrong to Rush the Vote  Read Journal Article

Government Weaponization: My Testimony to the House

Government Weaponization: My Testimony to the House


I am Todd Zywicki and I appreciate the opportunity to appear to you today to testify on the topic of “Weaponization of the Federal Government.” I am George Mason University Foundation Professor of Law at Antonin Scalia Law School. Today’s hearing focuses on the United States Government’s massive, unprecedented, and chilling multi-year system of censorship by proxy through coercion and collaboration with the country’s largest social media sites to suppress the speech of ordinary Americans seeking to both speak and hear information on issues that not only affect elections and other issues of public political import but that actually directly affect our individual health, well-being, and ability to earn a living and to support our families.

Government Weaponization: My Testimony to the House Read Journal Article

The Service of Dissent

The Service of Dissent


In the last four years we have seen an astonishing rise in censorship, as in other forms of bullying and coercion, inside and outside the academy, even from governments and state agencies. We can’t reverse that by regret. We can only reverse it by acts of resistance. The first antidote to censorship is bold speech and consistent action. Of that, Patrick Provost has provided an admirable example that we ought all to follow.

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Illusions in Vaccine Effectiveness

Illusions in Vaccine Effectiveness


The pseudo-effectiveness of Covid vaccines against death from unrelated causes is not a new observation. The same kind of pseudo-effectiveness was discovered long ago for the flu vaccines. It is called the “healthy vaccinee effect.” For various reasons, unrelated to the vaccines, people who are vaccinated have better background health (on average) than people who are not, and therefore, they are less likely to die from “anything,” including flu and Covid. Vaccinated or not, they would have had lower Covid mortality than their unvaccinated counterparts.

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The Smoking Gun in Wuhan

The Smoking Gun in Wuhan


Theories of a lab origin of SARS-CoV-2 have largely focused on the presence in the genome of the famous furin cleavage site. Less attention has been paid to other anomalies and, in particular, the presence of the so-called HIV inserts first flagged by the Indian research team Pradhan et al. in late January 2020 and quickly dismissed as untenable conspiracy-mongering.

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Children's Health: By the Numbers

Children’s Health: By the Numbers


The strategy of forever adding chemical interventions is not without risks. It is not always known if a child is immunocompromised with the risk for a wrong intervention at the wrong time that could develop into a severe disease or become fatal. Nuances, dialogue, and shared decision-making may be a way to restore trust.

Children’s Health: By the Numbers Read Journal Article

Australia Bins 35% of Covid Vaccine Supply

Australia Bins 35% of Covid Vaccine Supply


Figures released to Dystopian Down Under by the Department of Health (DOH) this week confirm that, three years into the vaccine program, only 70 million doses, or 26% of the 267.3 million doses purchased, have been administered, while 35% of vaccines doses have been wasted since the start of the vaccine rollout.

Australia Bins 35% of Covid Vaccine Supply Read Journal Article

The Nursing Home Paradox

The Nursing Home Paradox


The inference from the lengthy paper is the opposite of what many would have thought: the greater the mitigation efforts in US nursing homes, the higher the death toll during the pandemic. Those efforts not only largely failed to reduce Covid mortality, but they also added non-Covid deaths. The more they tried to mitigate, the worse the outcome was.

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