
Analysis of Big Pharma, vaccines, and policy including impacts on public health, economics, open dialog, and social life. Articles on the topic of vaccines are translated into multiple languages.

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Brownstone Institute - Conspiracy Theory Debunker Finds Real Conspiracies

Conspiracy Theory Debunker Finds Real Conspiracies


The 2023 book Misbelief by Dan Ariely belongs to a genre I would label “debunking Covid conspiracy theories.” The book is meant to explore the thought process of people who subscribe to conspiracy theories, especially about Covid and the Covid vaccines. Thus I was surprised to encounter in the book two stories in which the author uncovered real conspiracies to hide information about Covid from the public. 

Conspiracy Theory Debunker Finds Real Conspiracies Read Journal Article

Brownstone Institute - Trump’s Covid Problem

Trump’s Covid Response Casts a Long Shadow


Neither candidate has any reason to bring up the issue of the pandemic response. The situation is somewhat akin to the Mutually Assured Destruction doctrine of the Cold War – we won’t push the button if you don’t push the button and neither of us should push the button because we’re both going to die if we do.

Trump’s Covid Response Casts a Long Shadow Read Journal Article

Brownstone Institute - CDC’s Vaccine-Efficacy Epidemiologic Incompetence

CDC’s Vaccine-Efficacy Epidemiologic Incompetence


Periodically during the Covid-19 pandemic, CDC scientific staff have employed their available studies’ data to estimate the efficacy of current or recent versions of Covid-19 vaccines to reduce risk of testing positive for Covid-19. While the fact of “testing positive” has been somewhat controversial because of the secret PCR Ct threshold numbers involved that have allowed for uninfectious people with unrecognized Covid-19 from some weeks in the past to remain test-positive, my goal here is to illustrate CDC’s problematic epidemiologic methods that have substantially inflated the vaccine efficacy percents that they have reported.

CDC’s Vaccine-Efficacy Epidemiologic Incompetence Read Journal Article

Brownstone Institute - The Rise and Fall of Quality Improvement in America

The Rise and Fall of Quality Improvement in America


Today, they are actively trying to bulldoze the Constitution, believing that they have achieved a critical mass of support to carry this out successfully. They may be right. However, if they are successful, the useful idiots who created the critical mass will become nothing but useless eaters, once the progressive goals are achieved, and a totalitarian state is firmly in place. Hopefully, these people will realize before it’s too late that this will not improve their quality of life (QI), and as such, are not good national or individual trajectories.

The Rise and Fall of Quality Improvement in America Read Journal Article

Brownstone Institute - Medicine Has Been Fully Militarized

Medicine Has Been Fully Militarized


At this writing, virtually all the major healthcare systems, specialty regulatory boards, specialty associations, and medical schools are standing at attention, still in lockstep with the received – and by now, clearly false – narrative. Their funding, after all, be it from Pharma or the Government, depends upon their obedience. Barring dramatic change, they will respond in the same fashion when orders come down from above in the future. Medicine has been fully militarized.

Medicine Has Been Fully Militarized Read Journal Article

Brownstone Institute - Our Last Innocent Moment

Where Are We Now?


I learned how easy it is for us to betray one another and how COVID exposed the fault lines in our relationships. But I also saw humanity all around. I saw hugs and connection and immense warmth everywhere I went. I saw the worst side of humanity and the best, and I witnessed the indomitable power of inconvenient truths. The COVID-19 battleground has certainly created its heroes and villains, and we have all taken sides about which is which. 

Where Are We Now? Read Journal Article

Brownstone Institute - Healthcare Students Still Forced to Inject Vaccines

Healthcare Students Still Forced to Inject Vaccines


Despite the fact that there has not been one documented Covid case on college campuses in the last four years that led to either an outbreak of severe illness or death from Covid, thousands of students are forced to decide whether to take a vaccine that they do not need or walk away from the degree for which they have invested tens of thousands of dollars and countless hours due to coercive policies the likes of which we have never seen before. The “winter of death” never came to pass and neither did the spring or fall of death, but healthcare students all around the country have no choice; take updated Covid vaccines or withdraw from your program as if these seasons of death might still come to pass.

Healthcare Students Still Forced to Inject Vaccines Read Journal Article

Brownstone Institute - Did Pfizer-BioNTech “Placebos” Contain Empty Lipids?

Did Pfizer-BioNTech “Placebos” Contain Empty Lipids?


The focus of my report was the discovery by the German professors that all but one of the “yellow” batches, which are almost entirely innocuous per the Danish data, had not been subject to quality control testing by the agency responsible for batch release throughout the EU: namely, Germany’s own Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI). 

Did Pfizer-BioNTech “Placebos” Contain Empty Lipids? Read Journal Article

Brownstone Institute - Who Will Deliver Justice to Our Service Members?

Who Will Deliver Justice to Our Service Members?


While Pfizer & Moderna were testing rats in their labs, our government had their own guinea pigs lining up for the largest biomedical experiment the world has ever seen, except these were not test animals. These were our United States service members–our men and women in uniform. 

Who Will Deliver Justice to Our Service Members? Read Journal Article

Brownstone Institute - To Get US Residency Requires the Covid Jab

To Get US Residency Requires the Covid Jab


This Covid vaccine is being gradually added to every list of requirements that is available, from immigration to the childhood schedule to school attendance. This is despite how the shot has completely failed to perform up to the promise of the first year. This is fully known by vast swaths of the world’s population, and yet US bureaucracies persist in their impositions without the slightest sense that they ought to acquiesce to the reality that everyone knows. 

To Get US Residency Requires the Covid Jab Read Journal Article