
Analysis of Big Pharma, vaccines, and policy including impacts on public health, economics, open dialog, and social life. Articles on the topic of vaccines are translated into multiple languages.

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Gates or Germany? Who “Owns” the WHO’s Covid-19 Response?


The idea that Bill Gates is somehow the driving force behind the WHO’s vaccine-centric Covid-19 response is very widespread – at least on Twitter. But this notion recently received some unexpected support from a mainstream media source: Politico

Gates or Germany? Who “Owns” the WHO’s Covid-19 Response? Read Journal Article

The Vaccine Narrative Is as Leaky as the Vaccines


Let’s start with two simple questions. If regulators had the information available to them of the leakage between Covid-19 vaccine efficacy rates in controlled trials and their effectiveness in the real world, would they still grant emergency use authorization? Would their legal framework permit them to do so? 

The Vaccine Narrative Is as Leaky as the Vaccines Read Journal Article

Adverse Effects of the Pfizer Vaccine Covered Up by the Israeli Ministry of Health


So if Israel did not in fact have a functioning adverse event monitoring system in place and its data was a fiction, and even if when it did launch a proper monitoring system a year too late, with analysis of the system’s findings completely ignored and withheld – what was the FDA really relying on? What were all those regulators relying on?

Adverse Effects of the Pfizer Vaccine Covered Up by the Israeli Ministry of Health Read Journal Article

Stop Vaccinating Children for Covid: It’s Neither Medically Justified Nor Ethical


Ordinarily, it would be best to put the whole Covid nightmare behind us and move on. This might be one of the rare exceptions, for accountability for the pain and harms inflicted on individuals and society is the best, and likely the only effective insurance against a repeat. 

Stop Vaccinating Children for Covid: It’s Neither Medically Justified Nor Ethical Read Journal Article

The Experts Still Pushing Coerced Jabs


In a previous era, or in a previously credible medical journal, an argument for coercion to support a medical procedure would have required very high standards of evidence of efficacy and safety. It is arguing for the abrogation of fundamental principles such as informed consent that are at the core of modern medical ethics. Failure to address well-known contrary data should prevent an article from even reaching the peer-review stage.

The Experts Still Pushing Coerced Jabs Read Journal Article

Israel’s Green Pass Policy: A Chronicle of a Tragedy Foretold


The greater the distrust, the greater the fear of sanctions. But the greater the fear of sanctions, the more those objecting to vaccinate were adamant not to vaccinate. The erosion of trust found in this study echoes other studies indicating that the Israelis are losing trust in public institutions, with over half saying the country’s democracy is in danger. 

Israel’s Green Pass Policy: A Chronicle of a Tragedy Foretold Read Journal Article

Moderna and Pfizer: Cat Fight! 


There is absolutely no theory of political economy in existence that could possibly justify this combination of 1) private company with vast tax funding, 2) government-enforced monopoly claims of ownership, 3) indemnification against damage claims, 4) publicly-traded stocks, plus and 5) a forced customer base. And to top it all off, it’s not even clear that the product worked; it certainly did not live up to the wild claims from top government officials.

Moderna and Pfizer: Cat Fight!  Read Journal Article

D.C.’s Dangerous and Divisive Vaccine Mandate


Over socially distanced glasses of chardonnay, well-to-do Beltway residents cling to their COVID-19 narrative where vaccines funded by the big pharmaceutical companies offer the only hope. In their world, no one — not even children — is safe without a vaccine. Anyone who dares deviate from the company line is dismissed as a backwater Trump-supporting conspiracist, even lifelong Democrats like me.

D.C.’s Dangerous and Divisive Vaccine Mandate Read Journal Article

New Zealand: Mugged by Covid Reality


With the passage of time, as evidence mounted of the folly of Zero Covid policy and the accumulating harms it was causing, the New Zealand government was trapped in a prison of its own construction and found it difficult to change course, even after the futility of the entire program became obvious in the data. 

New Zealand: Mugged by Covid Reality Read Journal Article