
Analysis of Big Pharma, vaccines, and policy including impacts on public health, economics, open dialog, and social life. Articles on the topic of vaccines are translated into multiple languages.

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Why Have They Done This to the Children?


In India, it is even more absurd that almost everything is normal for adults: restaurants, malls, movie theatres, crowded events, crowded buses and trains and flights, etc.; while at the same time schools are not open, and even where open, normal activities are not permitted for kids!

Why Have They Done This to the Children? Read Journal Article

Sweden and Germany: No Deaths In Children Due to Covid


The children should live normally, free, and if exposed to SARS-CoV-2 we can rest assured that in the vast majority of cases, they will have no to only mild symptoms while at the same time developing naturally acquired immunity, and harmlessly; an immunity that is definitely superior to that which might be caused by a vaccine.

Sweden and Germany: No Deaths In Children Due to Covid Read Journal Article

Medicine Should be Non-Violent


Most people who choose to remain unvaccinated – like myself – do so not because we want to spread the virus to others or are against vaccinations in general, but because we have natural immunity and/or serious, data-driven questions about this particular vaccine. The moral case for choice, and against vaccine mandates, is as clear as day and as absolute as any case for good and against evil could ever be.

Medicine Should be Non-Violent Read Journal Article

The Paucity of Evidence for Mandated Covid-19 Vaccine Boosters


Given these overall randomized trial findings regarding covid-19 vaccine boosters—absence of even a short- term reduction in mild covid-19 infections in those with natural immunity, and no data establishing that boosters prevent covid-19 hospitalizations, deaths, or SARS-CoV-2 transmission—there is no rational, evidence-based justification for covid-19 vaccine “booster mandates.” 

The Paucity of Evidence for Mandated Covid-19 Vaccine Boosters Read Journal Article

Well-Structured German Study Shows No Deaths among Healthy German Kids Ages 5 to 11


These results put risk to kids in perspective. They show us that school closure was wrong. They make you think of easy questions: What is the upper bound benefit for masking a 6 year old in school? Hint: even if it works (Psst unproven) it won’t be big. And, this info also suggests difficult questions: Does a healthy 8 year old who already had Covid-19 benefit from vaccination?

Well-Structured German Study Shows No Deaths among Healthy German Kids Ages 5 to 11 Read Journal Article

Vaccine Mandates: Unscientific, Divisive, and Enormously Costly


Simply put, the very best scientific study design currently available to mankind was not used to answer the most important outcomes, and the randomized trials do not support the widely held contention that COVID-19 vaccination using the Pfizer or Moderna brands lowers risk of death. This is unfortunately not the first time that FDA has approved a product based on a less important surrogate end-point rather than the key outcomes of interest. 

Vaccine Mandates: Unscientific, Divisive, and Enormously Costly Read Journal Article

jacobson test

Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates Fail the Jacobson Test


A careful reading of Jacobson shows that it is not just an automatic consideration allowing the government to do what it wants when a pandemic emergency has been officially declared. Covid-19 vaccine mandates do not satisfy any of the required criteria in Jacobson, let alone all of them.

Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates Fail the Jacobson Test Read Journal Article

Bill Gates

Why Bill Gates Is Pivoting on Existing Covid Vaccines


Once you understand the simplicity of his core confusions, everything else he says makes sense from his point of view. He seems forever stuck in the fallacy that the human being is a cog in a massive machine called society that cries out for his managerial and technological leadership to improve to the point of operational perfection.

Why Bill Gates Is Pivoting on Existing Covid Vaccines Read Journal Article