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Polio vs Covid

Polio vs Covid: Why the Enforcement Disparity?


Vaccine efforts have been a top priority for the Biden Administration. In fact, the US Government is more concerned with vaccination status than disease itself. Foreigners can enter the country when testing positive for Covid, but the unvaccinated remain banned from entering the nation. Meanwhile, 50 percent of illegal immigrants entering New York City are not vaccinated against polio. 

Polio vs Covid: Why the Enforcement Disparity? Read Journal Article

guilt and shame

The Elimination of Healthy Guilt Leads to a Reign of Shaming


If we are to immunize ourselves against their ever more aggressive and manipulative designs, we must talk back to their constant and abusive invocation of the specter of human perfection, be it in the realm of the insisting on morally pristine life trajectories, or our supposed ability to fully subdue massively complex natural phenomena—like the constant circulation of viruses—with brilliant inventions.

The Elimination of Healthy Guilt Leads to a Reign of Shaming Read Journal Article

fear of a microbial planet

John Snow vs. “The Science”


Treatment of cholera nowadays is pretty simple, requiring antibiotics and intravenous electrolyte-balanced fluids until the patient stabilizes and the infection clears. But doctors in premodern London had no clue what they were dealing with. They didn’t know about dehydration, fecal-oral transmission, or even the germ theory of infectious disease.

John Snow vs. “The Science” Read Journal Article

Open Letter to an Emotionally Abused World


There has been a fundamental shift in our relationship with the people and organizations who make policies and direct how the world is run. They laid the groundwork during Covid and are busy planning the next pandemic, and a whole host of initiatives, calling for drastic changes to how we live. The first step in healing from emotional abuse is to recognize the abuse. The next step is to make a change so the abuse does not continue.

Open Letter to an Emotionally Abused World Read Journal Article

Berenson vs Biden

Berenson v. Biden: The Potential and Significance 


Discovery and depositions from Pfizer and the White House would be the most valuable insight of the three years – insight into the power structures that orchestrated lockdowns, censorship, forced vaccinations, school closures, economic upheaval, government overreach, and the merger of corporations with the state. The media’s blackout may delay negative press coverage for the country’s most powerful forces, but the ramifications of the lawsuit could prove far more consequential than an undesirable headline in the New York Times.

Berenson v. Biden: The Potential and Significance  Read Journal Article

pregnant women

The False Messaging on Vaccines Given to Pregnant Women


These data indicate that there is NO basis for saying the vaccine is safe in pregnancy. Concentration of LNPs in ovaries, a doubled pregnancy loss rate, and raised fetal abnormality rate across all measured categories indicates that designating a safe-in-pregnancy label (B1 category in Australia) was contrary to available evidence. The data implies that not only was the Government’s “safe and effective” sloganeering not accurate, it was totally misleading with respect to the safety data available.

The False Messaging on Vaccines Given to Pregnant Women Read Journal Article

healing culture

Healing the Culture with Poetry and Song


We now endure times of deconstruction that feel unprecedented, crises of confidence in almost all parts of our culture. With institutions crumbling, we may also question the language, the words, that built and sustain these institutions. Many words no longer mean the same or have the same associations — “Left” and “Right; “Liberal” and “Conservative;” “safe” and “free.” Relationships rupture.  This rupturing may create openings for new meanings, associations, and alliances.

Healing the Culture with Poetry and Song Read Journal Article

social science and humanities

A Crumbling Regime: Lessons for the Social Sciences and Humanities


COVID-19 landed in an impoverished information ecology – especially in academic institutions – where increasingly all forms of information and arguments are vetted through ideological lines. In other words, arguments are measured against an always moving line of demarcation based on their suspected rootedness in simplistic political camps. 

A Crumbling Regime: Lessons for the Social Sciences and Humanities Read Journal Article

safety signal

What Is a Safety Signal and Why Does It Matter? 


The authorities intentionally conflated the common public understanding with the technical precision of the medical specialists in insisting that serious side effects have been very rare. This was facilitated with the pandemic of media malfeasance. The Censorship-Industrial Complex was weaponized into a powerful tool of state power in an evolving system of governance that is a threat to the very survival of free society.

What Is a Safety Signal and Why Does It Matter?  Read Journal Article