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dictator chic

Dictatorship Chic 


The great debate between democracy and dictatorship, between freedom and despotism, between a government by the people and a government imposed upon the people is here at last. I’m glad for the clarification of terms. They are saying the quiet part out loud: they want dictatorship. All partisans of freedom should similarly stand up and say the loud part even louder: we tried life without freedom and found it intolerable. We are never going back. 

Dictatorship Chic  Read Journal Article

Why Do We Adore Dogs and Despise People? 


Our culture’s current obsession with the allegedly “human” qualities of dog, has a lot to do with our generalized retreat from the difficulties of finding enduring comfort and wisdom—and the foundational key to both, dialogue—with the always complex humans around us. That this widespread retreat from what Sara Schulman calls “normative conflict” had an awful lot to do with enabling the assaults on human dignity and freedom committed in the name of controlling Covid. 

Why Do We Adore Dogs and Despise People?  Read Journal Article

No Farmers, No Food, No Life


More negative pressure on farmers and the food system is asking for a catastrophe. The immune system of many people, especially children, has lost its resilience and has weakened too far with high risks for intoxication, infections, non-communicable and infectious diseases, deaths and infertility. Dutch farmers, of whom many will face a cost of living crisis after 2030, have drawn the line. They are supported by an increasing number of farmers and citizens worldwide.

No Farmers, No Food, No Life Read Journal Article

Elon Musk

The Long Knives Are Out for Elon 


The hounds have been released on Elon and that they won’t be called back because overt rebellion must be seen to be punished, lest he try again or others are encouraged by his example. But Elon has successfully powered through a lot of threats already, and seems to have locked in many new political alliances that can help tide him over during threats like those he presently faces. If he now lays low enough, he will eventually be forgiven.

The Long Knives Are Out for Elon  Read Journal Article

Mozart, Mediocrity, and the Administrative State 


While the story is fiction, the moral drama here is real and affects the whole of history. Every highly productive person – we don’t even have to speak of geniuses here – often ends up surrounded by resentful and mediocre people who have too much time on their hands. They use whatever limited talents they have to plot, confound, confuse, and ultimately wreck their betters. The demand to “comply” is always the watchword: it’s a tool of destruction. 

Mozart, Mediocrity, and the Administrative State  Read Journal Article

Articles of Inquiry: The Role of Media


This report reviews the main issues that require investigation, cites examples of the bias and censorship, presents a timeline of pro-lockdown media coverage, and suggests an agenda for more extensive investigation. The authors hope this report can serve as a useful guide for a deeper look into this unprecedented use of media power to shape the pandemic response.

Articles of Inquiry: The Role of Media Read Journal Article

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