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Freedom Is Our Birthright

Freedom Is Our Birthright, Not Dependent On Medical Status


On occasion the majority may need to swallow a risk for a time. Sometimes respecting the freedom of others will seem to cost us, but codifying human rights, and insisting on process, legalism, and law gives wisdom time to overcome fear. It is the insurance that keeps the members of a free society free.

Freedom Is Our Birthright, Not Dependent On Medical Status Read More

It’s All in Good Fun

Drs. Walensky and Offit: It’s All in Good Fun


Did you ever think of the cruelty bordering on sadism of forcing millions of people who, thanks to natural immunity posed no infectious threat to anyone, were having to choose between taking a medication that can do them little good and might do them considerable harm, and losing their livelihood? 

Drs. Walensky and Offit: It’s All in Good Fun Read More

What Can the Stanford Prison Experiment Tell Us

What Can the Stanford Prison Experiment Tell Us about Life in the Pandemic Era?


Given the world in which we have been living for the past two years, despite the numerous flaws critics have found in both Zimbardo’s work, it would seem that both he and other members of social psychology’s golden age can still tell us a lot about how social roles, oppressive environments and powerful authorities can alter the psyches and actions of normal people in pathological ways.

What Can the Stanford Prison Experiment Tell Us about Life in the Pandemic Era? Read More

Forget About Covid, They Say

Forget About Covid, They Say


By all means, forget about Covid and live life as normally as possible in defiance of those who live to foster fear. But, never forget the disastrous Covid restrictions that created such destruction. We cannot let anyone off the hook, much less pretend that the policy disaster that created billions of personal tragedies never happened. 

Forget About Covid, They Say Read More

Time for Honesty about Diminishment and Death

Time for Honesty about Diminishment and Death 


The elderly were once seen as a precious resource, providing us all with much-needed wisdom and emotional ballast as we navigated life difficulties. Now, however, we lock them and their encroaching decrepitude away so that they do not impinge upon our frenzied, self-directed pep talks about the importance of staying forever young and highly productive.

Time for Honesty about Diminishment and Death  Read More

Should I Vaccinate My Child Against Covid?

Should I Vaccinate My Child Against Covid?


The Covid vaccine has been widely used for children without solid information about its efficacy on hospitalizations and deaths, and without the ability to conduct a proper benefit-risk evaluation. The recent observational study from New York State adds a few important pieces to the puzzle, but we still do not know whether the benefits outweigh the risks. 

Should I Vaccinate My Child Against Covid? Read More

Josh Stylman: Why I Decided to Leave the Brooklyn Brewery I Co-Founded

Why I Decided to Leave the Brooklyn Brewery I Co-Founded 


Leaving the company I’ve dedicated the past decade of my life to is not an easy decision for me, but I need to be able to speak my mind freely without fearing that my place of employment – and most importantly, the team of people who work there – will be held responsible for my personal views. We’ve seen that there are bad faith actors willing to mislead and misrepresent in order to do such harm.

Why I Decided to Leave the Brooklyn Brewery I Co-Founded  Read More

DeSantis Round Table

Florida Gov. DeSantis Holds Roundtable on Vaccinations for Healthy Children


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has held another roundtable on Covid and the vaccination with a focus on vaccination for healthy children. The Surgeon General of Florida recommends against such practice. This view was later in the day denounced by Jen Psaki at a White House press conference.

Florida Gov. DeSantis Holds Roundtable on Vaccinations for Healthy Children Read More

American Lockdowns Began Two Years Ago Today


Certain dates should live in infamy. One is March 7, 2020. That is the date that the Austin, Texas, Mayor, Steve Adler, acting on his own at least in public, canceled the in-person conference South By Southwest (possibly attracting as many as a quarter million people) that was set to begin in the city five days later. 

American Lockdowns Began Two Years Ago Today Read More

Will the Mask Mandate for Plane Travel Ever End?


As the pre-flight recording makes abundantly and obnoxiously clear down to the excruciating detail of what needs to happen after every bite and sip, travelers are expected to be fully masked from above the nose to below the mouth during every non-eating and drinking second of our existence at these infernal places. It’s torture enough on relatively short, on-time flights, but God help you if your flight is delayed, and even God won’t be able to help you if you’re stuck for hours on a tarmac inside a plane that has ‘mechanical issues.’

Will the Mask Mandate for Plane Travel Ever End? Read More

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