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How Signaling Turns Virtue Into Vice


The moral problem here is that, regardless of intent, a participant in a declarative fad is knowingly and personally benefiting from an injustice without doing anything to put right the wrong from which that personal benefit is being extracted. To do so is to benefit slightly from the very injustice at issue without providing at least as much benefit to anyone else.

How Signaling Turns Virtue Into Vice Read More

A Physician’s Plea for Exemption: Full Text 


Immunity offered by the vaccine is not long-lasting and the protection rapidly diminishes each month following the first 2 months after the second dose. With no randomized controlled trials evaluating the efficacy of the boosters on relevant clinical outcomes, and no data on safety given that the booster studies released did not contain a control group. A practitioner of science cannot be confident the potential rare benefit of hospital reduction in the younger healthy population outweighs repetitive dosing of a vaccine with limited safety data.   

A Physician’s Plea for Exemption: Full Text  Read More

Tchaikovsky cancelled

The Cancellation of Tchaikovsky 


The theme of Tchaikovsky‘s 1812 Overture is a truly horrific event that took place when a despot lost his sense of reality. Precisely because of this, performing it is never more fitting than now, when yet another despot has gone too far. The failure to realize this signifies we have lost our relationship with the very values by which we define our culture.

The Cancellation of Tchaikovsky  Read More

Lockdowns Had a Devastating Impact on Religion


Although individuals may be faring better, the profound damage to religious institutions is also quite remarkable. Charitable giving at many places of worship dropped precipitously during the pandemic. Many churches took government PPE funds to help weather the financial storm, but those funds only lasted for so long. 

Lockdowns Had a Devastating Impact on Religion Read More

Why this Nonstop Fear Mongering?


Maybe the reporters and editors at the Times believe they’re advancing the cause of public health by stoking panic, even long after it is justified by the level of the threat (if it ever was justified in the first place). Or maybe, to be a bit more cynical (or realistic?) about it, the reporters and editors know that fear and panic draw readers, especially around Covid, so they just can’t let go.

Why this Nonstop Fear Mongering? Read More

Air Force Cadets Covid Vaccination Religious Exemption Denied


In view of the sincerity of the cadets’ religious objections and the adverse risk-to-benefit profile of receiving the Covid vaccine, what is the purpose of forcing these cadets to subject themselves to a procedure that affords them and those around them no discernible benefit? Is the purpose to provide reasoned, compassionate medical care or simply demand submission or even to purge them from the ranks? 

Air Force Cadets Covid Vaccination Religious Exemption Denied Read More

Nuremberg, 1947


How and why was the bulwark of 20th-century medical ethics abandoned so quickly, and with so little opposition from the medical and scientific establishment? What were the immediate effects? What will be the long-term, consequences of the shift back to a crass utilitarian ethic governing science, medicine, and public health during a pandemic?

Nuremberg, 1947 Read More

This Is No Path to Happiness 


We’ve provided you deplorables with bread and circuses and still you’re ungrateful, unmanageable and generally a major pain in the ass. But we’ve found out how to use new technologies–such as subscription vaccines–combined with never-ending manufactured crises for the purpose of controlling you.

This Is No Path to Happiness  Read More

The Missing Progressive Jewish Response


Our response to the pandemic not only elevated false authority, built on ideas disconnected from the realities of human existence, and not only did it create a system of idolatry, of symbols which were used to mediate this authority; but furthermore that system of idolatry was welcomed in and installed within the very hearts of Jewish communities, and therefore in many ways we directly relived that destruction ourselves, which is so powerfully described in the Book of Lamentations.

The Missing Progressive Jewish Response Read More

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