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selfish delight

Selfish: The King of Covid Epithets


We need pandemic policies rooted in human nature—policies that meet people where they are, not where some sanctimonious Twitter warriors decide they should be. Throwing the S-word around doesn’t earn respect or cooperation from the accused. Au contraire: when pelted with character-assassinating epithets, people double down.

Selfish: The King of Covid Epithets Read Journal Article

The Triumph of Natural Immunity


The CDC, the FDA, schools, and universities are pushing covid vaccines without having shown any benefit to the majority of children who have already had covid. It is stunning how these institutions have abandoned 2,500 years of knowledge about natural immunity. For the minority of children without a prior covid infection, the RCTs only show a short-term reduction in mild disease.

The Triumph of Natural Immunity Read Journal Article

lockdown compliance

The CDC Surveilled for Lockdown Compliance


The damage is done already but it is wise to be aware now of what is possible. Much of the infrastructure was set up over these two years and it all still survives. There is every intention in place to deploy it all again if covid mutates again or if some other pathogen comes along. Lockdowns seem to be in disrepute among the public but the ruling class is still in love with them. 

The CDC Surveilled for Lockdown Compliance Read Journal Article

italy communist lockdown

How Lockdowns Came to Italy


On February 21, 2020, 15 cases of Covid were detected, and a Chinese-style lockdown of ten towns in Lombardy was immediately announced for 15 days to slow the spread. This lockdown order was officially signed into law by Health Minister Speranza two days later on February 23, 2020—the first lockdown order ever signed in a modern western country.

How Lockdowns Came to Italy Read Journal Article

covid drug approvals

Why are Standards So Lax on Covid Drug Approvals?


Why are the experts who say you can’t extrapolate aducanumab to all’s Alzheimer’s patients not saying you can’t extrapolate Paxlovid to all vaccinated people? Why are those who say accelerated approval is abused not saying that EUA authority is abused when you move to children, who face thousandfold less times the risk?

Why are Standards So Lax on Covid Drug Approvals? Read Journal Article

bill gates

Choice Quotes from Bill Gates’s New Book


I’m sorry to report that the entire book is a study in mysophobia, more worthy of study by a student of abnormal psychology than a public health official, much less a scientist. That no one has ever pointed this out to him is a disgrace. It’s the trouble with being so rich that you become uncriticizable. 

Choice Quotes from Bill Gates’s New Book Read Journal Article

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