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The Full Secularization of the Doctrine of Original Sin


Perfectly healthy people were now considered “fallen” in the health sense, and basically told the only way they could be redeemed, that is, permitted to recover their full constitutional rights, was to follow a course of “rehabilitation” capriciously determined by the authorities and enforced by legal sanction.

The Full Secularization of the Doctrine of Original Sin Read Journal Article

Well-Structured German Study Shows No Deaths among Healthy German Kids Ages 5 to 11


These results put risk to kids in perspective. They show us that school closure was wrong. They make you think of easy questions: What is the upper bound benefit for masking a 6 year old in school? Hint: even if it works (Psst unproven) it won’t be big. And, this info also suggests difficult questions: Does a healthy 8 year old who already had Covid-19 benefit from vaccination?

Well-Structured German Study Shows No Deaths among Healthy German Kids Ages 5 to 11 Read Journal Article

Seven Theories of Why the Lockdowns Happened


The combination of mass hysteria, self-interest, authoritarian politics, and an unacknowledged purity cult brings many, many unfortunate outcomes. Most obvious is the multipronged assault on humanity, the prohibition of or restrictions on many important human activities, from worship and shopping to educating the young and visiting the ill. There is also subtler damage to healthcare, social trust, social unity, trust in the media, and whatever was left of constitutional democracy.

Seven Theories of Why the Lockdowns Happened Read Journal Article

Biden’s Throat Frog Hints at the Coming Normalcy


The response to Biden’s infection should give us all hope that we can get back to normal, stop stigmatizing the sick, stop calling people who recover from Covid “survivors,” stop avoiding each other as if the human person is nothing but a vector of disease spread, and stop with this incredible cruel demand that every person separate from everyone else in the name of controlling a virus.

Biden’s Throat Frog Hints at the Coming Normalcy Read Journal Article

First Comply, Then We’ll Grant You Some Rights


The political establishment is so devoted to this cause that it is hard to see how we can extricate ourselves. Accepting the first lockdown was the decisive point. We sacrificed our rights due to fear, and nearly two years later, we still don’t have them back. It was as obvious then as it is now: power is never seized and then voluntarily returned. 

First Comply, Then We’ll Grant You Some Rights Read Journal Article

What Does Focused Protection Mean for Nursing Homes?


The control of COVID-19 spread, even to vulnerable people, is undoubtedly good – but it is not the only good. Some things in life – and death – are more important than COVID-19, and our public health authorities would do well to remember that fact.

What Does Focused Protection Mean for Nursing Homes? Read Journal Article

Medpage Today Brownstone Institute

A Medical News Site and Its Misinformation


The first step should be to correct errors, a minimal obligation of all ethical journalism. A second step requires more balanced reporting about the pandemic by, for example, honestly reporting about the success of the pandemic strategies employed by Florida and the Scandinavian countries. The alternative is a continuing erosion of trust in medicine and public health.

A Medical News Site and Its Misinformation Read Journal Article

How Covid Panic Destroyed Communities: Our Church and My Story


Shutting down everything couldn’t last indefinitely, and people couldn’t avoid being in personal proximity indefinitely without serious consequences. The virus was going to spread no matter what we did. With too much separation and fear of one another, we would cease to function as a community and couldn’t help others.

How Covid Panic Destroyed Communities: Our Church and My Story Read Journal Article

The Medical Objectification of the Human Person


The pandemic has turbocharged this process of medical objectification. We are no longer individuals, with unique desires, responses, wishes and drives, but rather are primarily considered by policy makers to be infection risks. Once we are primarily objects, rather than diverse human beings, it then becomes legitimate for medical procedures to be mandated, mask wearing to be forced, or our movements to be tracked and traced.

The Medical Objectification of the Human Person Read Journal Article

PCR Tests and the Rise of Disease Panic


Despite the CDC’s own admission that PCR tests “may not indicate the presence of infectious virus,” its use to do exactly that in the case of Covid was accepted without question. Worse still, the measures taken against calling PCR into question have become progressively more draconian and underhanded since the very beginning.

PCR Tests and the Rise of Disease Panic Read Journal Article

Vaccine Mandates: Unscientific, Divisive, and Enormously Costly


Simply put, the very best scientific study design currently available to mankind was not used to answer the most important outcomes, and the randomized trials do not support the widely held contention that COVID-19 vaccination using the Pfizer or Moderna brands lowers risk of death. This is unfortunately not the first time that FDA has approved a product based on a less important surrogate end-point rather than the key outcomes of interest. 

Vaccine Mandates: Unscientific, Divisive, and Enormously Costly Read Journal Article

Is YouTube Now Presuming to be in Charge of Science?


If these rules are strenuously enforced, millions of videos, interviews, television shows, lectures, press conferences, and scientific presentations will disappear. Maybe tens of millions actually. And all in the name of protecting “science” against its corruption, as if YouTube should be the determinant of what constitutes good science. 

Is YouTube Now Presuming to be in Charge of Science? Read Journal Article