
Brownstone Journal Articles, News, Research, and Commentary on public health, science, economics, & social theory

global pandemic response

US Plans to Lockdown and Wait for a Vaccine Date from 2007


2006 and 2007 were a turning point in U.S. biodefence planning. Prior to 2006, such planning had been focused on biological attacks, but then major mission creep set in and the new draconian ideas were applied wholesale to general pandemic planning.

US Plans to Lockdown and Wait for a Vaccine Date from 2007 Read Journal Article

How Lockdowns Made Us Sicker 


Lockdowns changed nothing about these seasonal and natural processes except to make our immunity debt deeper and scarier than ever. To be sure, lockdowns in the end did not stop the pathogen that causes Covid. Instead, they only forced one group to be exposed earlier and more often than other groups, and this allocation of exposure took place entirely based on a politically scripted model.

How Lockdowns Made Us Sicker  Read Journal Article

Bottom line: the government conspired

The Government Conspired with Big Tech to Infringe on Free Speech


Bottom line: the government conspired to remove valid public health messages and social media posts by myself & others, because they disagreed with the viewpoint which contradicted the federal government’s COVID-19 public health message and views.

The Government Conspired with Big Tech to Infringe on Free Speech Read Journal Article

Twitter Ministry of Truth

Twitter Became the Ministry of Truth


The Twitter story is not a one-off case, nor is it evidence that Wall Street and the homegamers alike are comprised of greedy fools who will fall for anything. To the contrary, the destructive outbreak of corporate moonlighting in behalf of woke ideology and partisan causes was born, bred and matriculated by the money-printers at the Fed.  At the end of the day, it is bad money that leads to bad, value-destroying behavior in the C-suites—just one more instance of the “malinvestment” which is the inherent result of monetary inflation.

Twitter Became the Ministry of Truth Read Journal Article

limited information

The “Limited Information” Claim Damns Them


The most basic duty of policy-makers is the honest consideration of all reasonably available information that bears on the consequences of their actions – and in so doing, to take care in some proportion to the potential (let alone, the predicted) magnitude of the consequences of those actions. It is the duty of due diligence. Almost all American officials were derelict in that duty.

The “Limited Information” Claim Damns Them Read Journal Article

pandemic history

Pandemic History, Retold and Adjusted for Financial Return


The rapidly-growing pandemic preparedness industry is dominating global public health and proving increasingly lucrative. Past authoritarian approaches of the type relied heavily on revising history to lend credence to their claims. Here follows such an attempt, recommended as background for their next round of white papers.

Pandemic History, Retold and Adjusted for Financial Return Read Journal Article

woke totalitarianism

Woke Is the Handmaiden of Totalitarianism 


Woke is an immensely important cornerstone of the new fascist society Elmer fears is around the corner, not only its visible signs, such as mass compliance with mask mandates and lockdowns, but no less in the atomization based on the denial of our common rationality, a direct consequence of the radical relativism that accepts nothing as valid except individual subjective experience. 

Woke Is the Handmaiden of Totalitarianism  Read Journal Article

lies my government told me

Introduction to Lies My Government Told Me


This book is intended to serve as a first draft of an alternative dissenting version of history, as a recitation of the lies and harms that have been inflicted on all of us, and a means to help you make sense out of the bewildering array of lived events. My hope is that it will also help us all process our collective experiences, and will help us to derive lessons and identify actions that we might take to move towards a better future, informed by this global experience which we have all shared.

Introduction to Lies My Government Told Me Read Journal Article

What is CISA?

What Is CISA and Why Does It Matter?


The whole country fell into complete shambles and trauma for the better part of 2020, leading up to the November elections that gutted Republican control of Congress and flipped the White House. We are now finding out with piles of evidence that this was the ambition of many employees at Twitter, including the general counsel who ended up as a consultant to the very agency that issued the stay-home advisory. 

What Is CISA and Why Does It Matter? Read Journal Article

masks unethical

Masks Were Unethical by Design


Have those pushing increasingly restrictive apparatuses on children even stopped to consider the reality of what children are experiencing on a minute- by- minute basis? Children depend on us to provide safe educational settings, with make-believe reserved for play, absent from our methods of protecting the medically vulnerable. Yet in terms of schools and proper mitigation efforts, we failed them all. 

Masks Were Unethical by Design Read Journal Article

crime amnesty accountability justice

Covid Crimes and Amnesty, Accountability and Justice


The victims of casual cruelty, capricious public health diktats and enforcement brutality are owed justice. But what type of justice? It might be helpful to look at examples from the theory and practice of international criminal justice. The sense of justice, fairness and equity is deeply ingrained in human beings.

Covid Crimes and Amnesty, Accountability and Justice Read Journal Article

twitter files

The Twitter Files: Just the Beginning 


What pertains to Twitter is surely true at Google (therefore YouTube), Facebook (therefore Instagram), Microsoft (therefore LinkedIn), and even Amazon (many great books were blocked from publication and distribution). At this point, one would have to be completely blind about the reality of what we’ve dealt with for almost three years: in the name of virus control, the country, its laws and traditions, its liberties and rights, were taken over by a junta with different ideas. 

The Twitter Files: Just the Beginning  Read Journal Article