
Brownstone Journal Articles, News, Research, and Commentary on public health, science, economics, & social theory

I’ve Lost My Parents, To Covid Brainwashing 


And now I see this country as split, but not down political lines anymore; that is just a facade. There is a distinct divide between those caught up in the revolving stories of war and disease through tech addiction and those who are – or have become – truth seekers, science followers, and truly critical thinkers.

I’ve Lost My Parents, To Covid Brainwashing  Read Journal Article

How the C-Suite Embraced Lockdowns and Economic War


The utter economic waste and injustice to employees, shareholders, and various other stakeholders brought on by the new corporate virtue signaling is now starkly evident in the global data that prove beyond a shadow of doubt that the whole Virus Patrol-dictated anti-Covid regime was completely wrong from the very beginning.

How the C-Suite Embraced Lockdowns and Economic War Read Journal Article

The Inflation Disaster Is Collateral Damage from Lockdowns 


The pandemic response unleashed several seasons of policy recklessness, destruction, and nihilism, almost as if none of the lessons of the past applied, whether in public health or economics. If we ever emerge from this chaos, historians will surely look back in amazement that so many terrible decisions could have taken place in so many parts of the world and in such quick succession. 

The Inflation Disaster Is Collateral Damage from Lockdowns  Read Journal Article

The Brutal Politics of Branding


Not too long ago, the cultivation of a wholesale disjunction between one’s inner thoughts and outer presentation was broadly seen as pathological. Now, however, the ability to propagate free-floating images of the self (and with it one’s chosen causes) is now presented as proof of good sense and high intelligence. 

The Brutal Politics of Branding Read Journal Article

How Vaccine Messaging Confused the Public


If politicians and health bureaucrats had been honest with the public, setting out the criteria the Covid-19 vaccines were trialed against, and what could and could not be expected of the vaccines, then this widespread misunderstanding need not have occurred. Instead, their lack of honesty is likely to damage future vaccination efforts and harm public health.

How Vaccine Messaging Confused the Public Read Journal Article

How the Flu and Covid Shots Are Different


Someone may argue that society at large— not necessarily the people taking the 4th dose— is still facing an emergency, but that argument is specious. There is no evidence that giving a young healthy person a 4th dose benefits larger pandemic dynamics, and saves an older person. Doctors need to stop making up just-so-stories in their minds to justify coercive mandates on the young, healthy, and those with natural immunity. 

How the Flu and Covid Shots Are Different Read Journal Article

CDC Promotes Another Misleading Mask Study 


It is imperative that the public educate themselves on how much misinformation is being disseminated by activist researchers, designed to appeal to the goals and ideologies of partisan political actors. Many children could be permanently affected by an atrocious “study” meant to promote a meaningless, destructive policy.

CDC Promotes Another Misleading Mask Study  Read Journal Article


Conviviality: The Alternative to the Administrative State


Images from Canada, of tables quaking under the weight of home-cooked food, of people in sub-zero temperatures lining the roadsides and bridges, of tweeted offers of hot showers and warm beds for strangers, of makeshift saunas and pop-up barbeques, of dancing and singing under threat of militarized suppression…these will not fade from our consciousness of what human beings who live freely with one another and in their environment can achieve and achieve with joy.  

Conviviality: The Alternative to the Administrative State Read Journal Article

Faroe Islands: The Tiny Country that Rejected Lockdowns


The Faroese authorities never fell prey to the irrational fear and scare tactics that unfortunately prevailed for the most part in the rest of the world. Instead, they showed the self-confidence, the respect for fact-based decision-making and consideration of the broader picture needed when confronted with an acute situation.

Faroe Islands: The Tiny Country that Rejected Lockdowns Read Journal Article

The Fact-Checking Game


If there is one element that is found in virtually all of the fascist movements of the 20th century it is their leaders’ rhetorical pose of being above the frequently off-putting hurly-burly of politics. But, of course, no one operating in the public arena is ever above politics, or for that matter, ideology, both of which are just two more examples of the structure-engendering cultural practices alluded to above. 

The Fact-Checking Game Read Journal Article