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The Fall of Critical Thinking- Brownstone Institute

The Fall of Critical Thinking


The most alarming aspect of the contemporary scene may actually not be things like the horrific potential of nuclear and biological weapons. Instead, it could be the rejection of objective truth and rational thought as essential guides to sensible conduct. When even the sciences and medicine become unmoored from reason and reality, we are all in serious trouble.

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Fear and Loathing of the Unvaccinated Gets Another Boost


The much publicized CMAJ simulation study is based on assumptions which are known to be flawed. The conclusions may be true in an alternate world where immunity from natural exposure is poor, and Covid-19 vaccine have high efficacy which does not wane; but they certainly do not hold in the real world.

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The Playmobil Society vs. The Game of Nations - Brownstone Institute

The Playmobil Society vs. The Game of Nations


Our models represent, largely, a collaborative social universe, where people play by rules, say what they mean, and act with honesty and integrity — and where, in general, we do not deal with calculating minds trained in the arts of war and espionage. Their models, on the other hand, encompass a reality that exists completely off this game board, which is not beholden to it, and whose players often take each other’s movements into account and plot reactions several steps in advance. 

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The Power of Protest 


Freedom can win in the long run. And the world will be rebuilt, on a much more solid foundation than was present two years ago. We tried an experiment in tyranny. It flopped. Despite the enormous cost of what took place, we will all find ourselves in a good position to see a rebirth of liberty, human rights, and prosperity on the other side. 

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The Mandatory Vaccine Insanity Must Stop


Unless the courts strike it down, soon every worker who works for a firm with more than 100 employees will have to be vaccinated or undergo a weekly Covid test. Already, major events and conferences are requiring this (including one I’ll be at next week). Healthcare workers who have put themselves at risk the entirety of the pandemic – many if not most of whom are naturally immune – are literally being fired.

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The Digital Panopticon


There is a broader legal context for these extra-legal developments in mass surveillance of civilian populations. Since the war on terror began, Western nations have legislatively scaled up their increasingly intrusive networks of mass surveillance (often referred to with the euphemism “bulk collection”).

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