
Government articles feature analysis of government agencies and their impact on economics, public health, public dialog, and social life.

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CDC Wants Its Covid Regime Made Permanent


What the CDC pushed on the country, even the world, was without precedent. The resulting disasters are everywhere present. At minimum we should expect the CDC to cease and desist, and certainly not entrench and codify. That the latter is taking place reveals what a long struggle lies ahead. 

CDC Wants Its Covid Regime Made Permanent Read Journal Article

The Corruption of the World Health Organization


It appears the WHO’s staff are comfortable with ensuring the people they were charged to support are increasingly impoverished and their rights and health autonomy removed. They are not just resigned to the abandonment of basic public health principles and ethics, but actively working to undermine them.

The Corruption of the World Health Organization Read Journal Article

World Health Organization Deploys Another Disease Threat to Push Global Survelliance


Vaccine passports and contact tracing are intimately tied to surveillance. More specifically, global surveillance. As the draft notes, the WHO will carry out “coordinated global surveillance of public health threats.” This can only be achieved by member states, all 194 of them, expanding their surveillance systems and contributing to “the WHO’s global systems for surveillance.”

World Health Organization Deploys Another Disease Threat to Push Global Survelliance Read Journal Article

Governments Giveth and Taketh Away


It shows that: we were rich! And then suddenly we were not. They gave us lots of money! Then they took it all away by taking away a huge slice of the purchasing power of that money. If there is a case for mass outrage, this is it. Sadly, most people cannot figure this out. It is opaque and the lines of cause and effect are too complicated for the Tiktok generation. 

Governments Giveth and Taketh Away Read Journal Article

lockdown compliance

The CDC Surveilled for Lockdown Compliance


The damage is done already but it is wise to be aware now of what is possible. Much of the infrastructure was set up over these two years and it all still survives. There is every intention in place to deploy it all again if covid mutates again or if some other pathogen comes along. Lockdowns seem to be in disrepute among the public but the ruling class is still in love with them. 

The CDC Surveilled for Lockdown Compliance Read Journal Article

Why Is CDC Trying to Put a Mask on Your Face Again?


The mask is a metaphor for all the controls, restrictions, impositions, mandates, closures, and resulting wreckage of the past two years. People hate them because they are so personal. More precisely, they are depersonalizing, which is precisely how the lockdown period of American history has felt the entire time. 

Why Is CDC Trying to Put a Mask on Your Face Again? Read Journal Article

The Federal Government Forces Social Media Companies to Censor Americans


The Government is deciding what speech is acceptable and may be heard, and what speech is not acceptable and must be silenced, on the most hotly debated political topics of our time. This strikes at the heart of what the First Amendment is supposed to protect.

The Federal Government Forces Social Media Companies to Censor Americans Read Journal Article

The World Health Organization Oversold the Vaccine and Deprecated Natural Immunity


One hopes that the WHO in the future will stick to science rather than allow its once-vaunted reputation to be manipulated and abused by political and industrial interests that do not have the best interests of the public in mind. 

The World Health Organization Oversold the Vaccine and Deprecated Natural Immunity Read Journal Article

A Specious Argument for Mandatory Vaccines


In a world in which not every human being lives an isolated existence – that is, in our world – each of us incessantly acts in ways that affect strangers without thereby justifying government-imposed restrictions on the great majority of these actions. Therefore, justification of government obstruction of the ordinary affairs of life requires far more than an identification of the prospect of some interpersonal impact.

A Specious Argument for Mandatory Vaccines Read Journal Article