
History articles feature analysis of historical context in relation to censorship, policy, technology, media, economics, and social life.

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trump lockdowns

Can We Please Have Some Honesty About Trump’s Lockdowns?


This isn’t about supporting DeSantis or any other candidate. It’s about discovering who has learned from history and who would repeat the mistakes of March 2020. Every candidate running for every federal office and statewide office should be asked where they stand on this fundamental issue—because there will be other viruses, other pandemics, other computer models that tempt or terrify those in power. In a nation founded on individual liberty and individual responsibility, lockdowns cannot become the new-normal response to such events.

Can We Please Have Some Honesty About Trump’s Lockdowns? Read Journal Article


Better to Have No Commission Than This One


Next time there is a pandemic, people will be able to say ‘Baroness Hallett’s report stated that the UK government didn’t lock down fast – or hard – enough. We won’t make that mistake again!’ There will be no redemption, just a long, hard sentence, swiftly imposed. Once again, lives will be ruined, not saved.

Better to Have No Commission Than This One Read Journal Article

death of the left

The Death of the Authentic Left


The left political project now is just kitsch, a toxic mimic of its former self, deployed by the ruling class to enslave the world. The question is, why are so few people on the left able to see this? Naomi Klein, Noam Chomsky, and Michael Moore, to name a few, should have been able to spot the Covid psyop in about 5 minutes. Instead they became rabid cheerleaders for fascism. 

The Death of the Authentic Left Read Journal Article

threats to liberty

Twenty Grim Realities Unearthed by Lockdowns 


If you haven’t changed your thinking over the last three years, you are a prophet, indifferent, or asleep. Much has been revealed and much has changed. To meet these challenges, we must do so with our eyes wide open. The greatest threats to human liberty today are not the ones of the past and they elude easy ideological categorization. Further, we have to admit that in many ways the plain human desire to live a fulfilling life in freedom has been subverted. If we want our freedoms back, we need to have a full understanding of the frightening challenges before us. 

Twenty Grim Realities Unearthed by Lockdowns  Read Journal Article


3/16: The Day That Will Live in Infamy


While perhaps the US is a Constitutional republic in form and theory, in terms of function it has devolved into something far less suited to human flourishing. America has elevated, enabled, and become largely captured by a bureaucratic security apparatus whose raison d’être was purported to be fighting wartime threats. But the war machine does not exist to produce victory.

3/16: The Day That Will Live in Infamy Read Journal Article

A Myth-Making Toolkit from the Volcano’s Shadow


Collective consciousness, especially when it spans multiple centuries, carries immense power; but many of us have lost our communal ties and our sense of history. We may have forgotten who our ancestors were and where they came from; we may know little about what they ate, what they believed in, and the rituals they practiced. 

A Myth-Making Toolkit from the Volcano’s Shadow Read Journal Article

future of freedom

Downton Abbey, the Corruption of the Great Families, and the Future of Freedom


Where does this leave us? We only have the intelligent bourgeoisie – products of the middle class that is currently under assault – that is well-read, clear thinking, attached to alternative sources of news, and only now in our post-lockdown world has become aware of the existential nature of the struggle we face. And their rallying cry is the same which has inspired the freedom movements of the past: the rights of individuals and families over the hegemon. 

Downton Abbey, the Corruption of the Great Families, and the Future of Freedom Read Journal Article


The Illusion of Republicanism


The open society is also dependent on a positive narrative of freedom and self-determination. As an open society, however, it must be open in terms of how – and thus by which values – this narrative is justified. That is to say, it has to accommodate a pluralism of narratives which agree in the conclusion of implementing in society the moral obligation for every person to respect the right to self-determination of every other person.

The Illusion of Republicanism Read Journal Article

this is not going away

Sorry, This Is Not Going Away 


Maybe this book by the Covid Crisis Group hopes to be the last word. This will never happen. We are only at the beginning of this. As the economic, social, cultural, and political problems mount, it will become impossible to ignore the incredibly obvious. The masters of lockdowns are influential and well-connected but not even they can invent their own reality. 

Sorry, This Is Not Going Away  Read Journal Article

hospital protocol

The Hospital Protocol Killed Their Loved Ones and They Want Justice


When the federal government sent $9,000 to Patty Myers to pay for her husband’s funeral, she got angry. “I didn’t want to take a penny. It felt like hush money, like they were paying me to keep quiet about how my husband died in the hospital.” 

The Hospital Protocol Killed Their Loved Ones and They Want Justice Read Journal Article

Ukraine proxy war

Ukraine as a Proxy War: Conflicts, Issues, Parties, and Outcomes


In a very real sense, Ukraine’s territory is the battleground for a proxy war between Russia and the West that reflects the unsettled questions since the end of the Cold War. This explains the ambivalence of most non-Western countries. They are no less offended by Russia’s war of aggression. But they also have considerable sympathy for the argument that NATO was insensitively provocative in expanding to Russia’s very borders. 

Ukraine as a Proxy War: Conflicts, Issues, Parties, and Outcomes Read Journal Article

Treason of the Experts

How and Why the Intellectuals Betrayed Us


Will we renew our trust in the dignity, moral autonomy and inherent miraculousness of each individual human being? Or will we, in our absent-minded drift away from the only true sources of life and spiritual renewal—things like love, friendship, wonder and beauty—resign ourselves to the idea of living a new version of medieval serfdom, wherein our bodies and our minds are seen as, and used by, our self-appointed masters as a renewable resource for the execution of their megalomaniacal dreams? 

How and Why the Intellectuals Betrayed Us Read Journal Article