
History articles feature analysis of historical context in relation to censorship, policy, technology, media, economics, and social life.

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Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word 


Karma is already turning on the whole gang of coercive totalitarians here and abroad. While the virus is invisible, the people who dreamed up and enforced lockdowns and mandates who wrecked the country are highly visible. They have names and careers, and they are right to be very worried about their futures. First step: apologize.

Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word  Read Journal Article

US Government Officials Dumped Stocks Prior to Lockdowns, Report Shows


In an explosive new report from the Wall Street Journal, leading health officials began offloading stocks at truly unprecedented rates in January 2020—well before the COVID-19 emergency was declared—with officials at the US Department of Health and Human Services selling 60% more stocks in January 2020 than average over the previous 12 months.

US Government Officials Dumped Stocks Prior to Lockdowns, Report Shows Read Journal Article

How deadly is Covid

How Deadly Is Covid? A Major Study Defies Conventional Wisdom


In the new study, which is currently undergoing peer-review, Prof. Ioannidis and colleagues found that across 31 national seroprevalence studies in the pre-vaccination era, the average (median) infection fatality rate of COVID-19 was estimated to be just 0.035% for people aged 0-59 years and 0.095% for those aged 0-69 years.

How Deadly Is Covid? A Major Study Defies Conventional Wisdom Read Journal Article

How Can Severe Mental Illness be the Deadliest Covid Comorbidity?


It is not remotely plausible that “learning disabilities” have a physiological connection or influence on the pathological course of covid infection or disease, certainly not en masse that would show up as a stronger safety signal than both age and obesity. The proposition that an otherwise perfectly healthy individual with a learning disability is at a higher risk from covid than your 83-year-old grandma is so absurd that it should call the entire study into doubt.

How Can Severe Mental Illness be the Deadliest Covid Comorbidity? Read Journal Article

Small Steps Toward Truth and Justice


Did anyone really believe on the eve of the sixth lockdown that it would last only as announced? Or did we all suspect another lie? This is a much harder lesson to take – it opens up uncomfortable lines of enquiry such as “what else did /do they lie about?”  From there it is a short step to demanding that there be accountability for the lies – and further, that every future announcement is challenged. 

Small Steps Toward Truth and Justice Read Journal Article

The Demonization of the Unvaccinated: A Look Back


It was never remotely realistic for any government to expect every single person to get vaccinated, especially when the vaccine in question involved a novel genetic-based therapy. Thus, these proposals to impose draconian hardships on those who refused Covid vaccines would inevitably involve the state imposing draconian hardships on a sizable portion of the population.

The Demonization of the Unvaccinated: A Look Back Read Journal Article

A Big Picture Look at the Disastrous Public Health Response to COVID-19


The global response to the coronavirus pandemic has revealed an ethical crisis in public health, in which the pre-pandemic norms of public health ethics have been cast aside. This has wrecked health, human rights and economies, whilst the people public health was supposed to serve it had to pay for its implementation, and will pay for its harms. It will be a long way back, and recovery will require public health to return to its servant nature, and leave the limelight where it caused such disaster.

A Big Picture Look at the Disastrous Public Health Response to COVID-19 Read Journal Article

Why Your Mask Came from China


There is a strange way in which US lockdowns and disease panic miraculously healed the US/China trade rift that had been developing for the two years prior. Most “personal protective equipment” and especially masks used during the lockdown period in the US was imported from China in a deal between Trump and Xi, brokered by Trump’s son-in-law. Trade recovered, beginning with pandemic-related goods. 

Why Your Mask Came from China Read Journal Article

Australia Will Not Move On Until There Is Justice 


We’re already seeing prominent perpetrators and collaborators claiming to have, and to have always had, reservations about what happened. They are trying to create for themselves a revisionist backstory that absolves them from their abominable conduct. These perpetrators and collaborators cannot be redeemed without confession. That they must be forgiven is not in question, but apologies to and restitution for their victims are essential.

Australia Will Not Move On Until There Is Justice  Read Journal Article

Why Did Covid Cause Thousands of Deaths in Spring 2020 Even Though it Had Been Hanging Around All Winter?


There is now no shortage of evidence that the coronavirus had begun spreading undetected all over the world by autumn 2019 at the latest. So why did the virus suddenly become much more infectious in February 2020; why did it go from circulating at a low level alongside flu and other viruses to displacing them and infecting a relatively large proportion of the population in a space of weeks?

Why Did Covid Cause Thousands of Deaths in Spring 2020 Even Though it Had Been Hanging Around All Winter? Read Journal Article