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limited information

The “Limited Information” Claim Damns Them


The most basic duty of policy-makers is the honest consideration of all reasonably available information that bears on the consequences of their actions – and in so doing, to take care in some proportion to the potential (let alone, the predicted) magnitude of the consequences of those actions. It is the duty of due diligence. Almost all American officials were derelict in that duty.

The “Limited Information” Claim Damns Them Read More

crime amnesty accountability justice

Covid Crimes and Amnesty, Accountability and Justice


The victims of casual cruelty, capricious public health diktats and enforcement brutality are owed justice. But what type of justice? It might be helpful to look at examples from the theory and practice of international criminal justice. The sense of justice, fairness and equity is deeply ingrained in human beings.

Covid Crimes and Amnesty, Accountability and Justice Read More

twitter files

The Twitter Files: Just the Beginning 


What pertains to Twitter is surely true at Google (therefore YouTube), Facebook (therefore Instagram), Microsoft (therefore LinkedIn), and even Amazon (many great books were blocked from publication and distribution). At this point, one would have to be completely blind about the reality of what we’ve dealt with for almost three years: in the name of virus control, the country, its laws and traditions, its liberties and rights, were taken over by a junta with different ideas. 

The Twitter Files: Just the Beginning  Read More

saving their own skin

How to Save Your Skin, According to Bankman-Fried and Fauci 


The madness of lockdowns only intensified the problem. They pretended as if wrong is right and ill- health is health, both physically and mentally. We are so used to lies that many people have grown weary of protesting them. We are so beaten down that we can barely demand that people take responsibility for what they have done. And the perpetuators have become skilled at saving their own skin.

How to Save Your Skin, According to Bankman-Fried and Fauci  Read More

pandemic hysteria

Let the Real Investigations Begin


Indeed, it would not be going too far to say that the eruption of irrationality and hysteria in America during 2020-2021 most resembled not 1954, when Senator McCarthy set the nation looking for communist moles behind every government desk, or 1919, when the notorious raids of Attorney General Mitchell were rounding up purported Reds in their tens of thousands, but the winter of 1691-1692. That’s when two little girls—Elizabeth Parris and Abigail Williams of Salem, Massachusetts—fell into the demonic activity of fortune-telling, which soon found them getting strangely ill, having fits, spouting gibberish, and contorting their bodies into odd positions.

Let the Real Investigations Begin Read More

Fauci’s 7-Hour Deposition: What We Know So far 


We have here a revealing account of astonishing testimony from Fauci, which, to those of us who have followed this case closely from the very beginning, is only shocking because it confirms the fullness of the treachery we have long suspected was at the very heart of the US lockdown experience. We also have confirmed that the phrase “social distancing” really is nothing but a euphemism for a China-style full assault on everything we once called freedom in the West. 

Fauci’s 7-Hour Deposition: What We Know So far  Read More

Un-mask the truth

Time to Unmask the Truth


It is astounding hypocrisy to recommend that young children wear masks in their own homes, then go maskless at an indoor crowded event a few days later. Health officials must immediately provide policy-level evidence of the direct benefit of masking to kids themselves or be willing to defend their misguided and harmful advice in a debate. Please embrace informed consent and patient autonomy, stop allowing our children to be used as pawns in militaryfear propaganda, and as adult COVID-19 shields.

Time to Unmask the Truth Read More

Doc Tracy California

Doc Tracy and the Case of the California Medical Misinformation Bill


On the other side of the fourth wall, the confrontation between Lawson and Doc Tracy, played by former UCLA anesthesiologist, Dr. Christopher Rake, took place on December 6, 2021. Two days later on December 8, Lawson took to Twitter to condemn Rake and the medical freedom organization that produced the show, America’s Frontline Doctors, then went on a media blitz the following week, making appearances on CNN and MSNBC to characterize the confrontation as an attempt to intimidate and terrorize. 

Doc Tracy and the Case of the California Medical Misinformation Bill Read More

police state lies dormant

Western Australia’s Dormant Police State


For the time being, the police state lies dormant. The SoE has expired, and we have returned to some kind of nanny-state normal. However, the police state infrastructure is in place, and can be engaged at any time should the Premier and his Police Commissioner think it reasonable and necessary. Whatever that means.

Western Australia’s Dormant Police State Read More

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