
Masks articles feature analysis and commentary related to mask mandates, masking policy, research, public health, and social life.

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Eye Protection Wasn’t Misdirection


Consider all of the people you’ve seen donning masks or respirators over these past three years, assured in the merit of their virtue. How many still got sick? Did you ever once see someone donning goggles? Are we ever going to get around to discussing exhaustion of the hierarchy of controls, or are actual mitigating measures too taboo, too fringe? 

Eye Protection Wasn’t Misdirection Read Journal Article


It’s Open Season on Scientists


We warned our readers a couple of weeks back that opinion pieces were taking on the role of editors of scientific journals. We stated, “The arguments put forward are virtually all the same: loud, strident and based on the poorest quality evidence available.“ Unfortunately, this was the case with the Cochrane Review on Physical Interventions to interrupt the spread of respiratory viruses.

It’s Open Season on Scientists Read Journal Article

cochrane fact check

Cochrane Fact-Checked with Absurd Results


Considering how this seriously flawed article is now apparently used to suppress the dissemination of an important scientific paper, to press the Cochrane editor-in-chief into making false claims about the objective of the paper and downplay its results, and to censor a review of the findings by an important mainstream newspaper, there is clearly an urgent need to act strongly against the so called “fact-checking” industry.

Cochrane Fact-Checked with Absurd Results Read Journal Article

masks ineffective

Cochrane Ends the Masking Rage 


Even before the pandemic, the best available evidence – randomized controlled trials – already showed that masks are ineffective in containing respiratory viral transmission. Additional RCTs conducted during the pandemic support this conclusion. Therefore, the best available evidence does not support even the recommendation of wearing masks, let alone making them compulsory. 

Cochrane Ends the Masking Rage  Read Journal Article

Tomas Pueyo

Tomás Pueyo Returns: The MBA Who Shut Down Europe on Masks and the Cochrane Review


To this day, it remains unclear where Pueyo got the ideas for virus containment for his 2020 articles. To some degree, Pueyo’s ideas mirrored those of major lockdown proponents like Imperial College Professor Neil Ferguson—architect of the wildly-inaccurate COVID models that instigated lockdowns across the free world—who’d already endorsed global lockdown measures. Yet outside of a niche epidemiology community, these ideas were far from well-known. For the most part, it wasn’t until Pueyo’s articles that these ideas for strict virus containment measures reached the mainstream.

Tomás Pueyo Returns: The MBA Who Shut Down Europe on Masks and the Cochrane Review Read Journal Article

mask study

On the Mask Study: An Interview with the Author


There’s no evidence that they do work. It’s possible they could work in some settings….we’d know if we’d done trials. All you needed was for Tedros [from WHO] to declare it’s a pandemic and they could have randomised half of the United Kingdom, or half of Italy, to masks and the other half to no masks. But they didn’t. Instead, they ran around like headless chickens.

On the Mask Study: An Interview with the Author Read Journal Article

Masks Damage

Masks Did Not Do Nothing; They Wrought Havoc


The behavioural scientists deliberately exploited the human desire to conform and literally said out loud that the public would ‘do the heavy lifting’ and enforce masks using social pressure. This was the case: if you refused to wear a mask, people stared or even shouted. Twitter shouted #WearADamnMask. Venues denied entry. GPs refused medical appointments to the unmasked.

Masks Did Not Do Nothing; They Wrought Havoc Read Journal Article

masking mandates

Mask Mandates in Healthcare Facilities are the Evilest of them All


Mask requirements for healthcare facilities continue to be sustained in the face of an unrelenting flurry of fatal knockout blows struck by study after study finding that, as a purely scientific matter, masks of any kind are wholly inutile amulets bereft of any discernible impact on the transmission or epidemiology of respiratory viruses.

Mask Mandates in Healthcare Facilities are the Evilest of them All Read Journal Article

Freedom from masks

The Freedom Not to Wear a Mask


The simple truth is that the one-size-fits-all approach didn’t protect us from the virus as much as it blinded us to its reality; one that only could have been arrived at via freedom. We didn’t need medical studies, and the reality is that still we don’t need medical studies. What we needed and need is freedom. With the latter once again comes knowledge from different people doing different things, and all of us learning from their successes and failures.

The Freedom Not to Wear a Mask Read Journal Article

unmask the audience

Unmask the Audiences Already!


People no longer have an emotional connection while speaking when wearing masks. And we can no longer understand each other’s speech. A venue full of masked people is a place lacking in humanity. It is an artificial world based on virtue-signaling and the elevation of appearance over reality, rather than actual human connection. 

Unmask the Audiences Already! Read Journal Article

Mask debate settled

The Masking Debate Is Settled


This large group of international researchers reviewed dozens of rigorously correct, randomized clinical trials of “physical interventions” against respiratory diseases. These diseases included influenza and COVID-19 during the pandemic, and these researchers failed to find even a “modest effect” on infection or illness rates from any type of mask.

The Masking Debate Is Settled Read Journal Article

N95 fail to stop spread

Why N95s Fail to Stop the Spread


By examining the hypothetical best-case scenario, we can better predict if a given measure will have a mitigating impact on the identified hazard. For N95s versus output, particle- to- PFU ratios, and MID for SARS-CoV-2, best-case scenario of hypothetical perfect capture of matter that these apparatuses are neither designed nor approved to capture shows them to still be non-mitigating for this hazard, and recommendations for their use should be immediately reconsidered. 

Why N95s Fail to Stop the Spread Read Journal Article