
Masks articles feature analysis and commentary related to mask mandates, masking policy, research, public health, and social life.

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unmask the audience

Unmask the Audiences Already!


People no longer have an emotional connection while speaking when wearing masks. And we can no longer understand each other’s speech. A venue full of masked people is a place lacking in humanity. It is an artificial world based on virtue-signaling and the elevation of appearance over reality, rather than actual human connection. 

Unmask the Audiences Already! Read More

Mask debate settled

The Masking Debate Is Settled


This large group of international researchers reviewed dozens of rigorously correct, randomized clinical trials of “physical interventions” against respiratory diseases. These diseases included influenza and COVID-19 during the pandemic, and these researchers failed to find even a “modest effect” on infection or illness rates from any type of mask.

The Masking Debate Is Settled Read More

N95 fail to stop spread

Why N95s Fail to Stop the Spread


By examining the hypothetical best-case scenario, we can better predict if a given measure will have a mitigating impact on the identified hazard. For N95s versus output, particle- to- PFU ratios, and MID for SARS-CoV-2, best-case scenario of hypothetical perfect capture of matter that these apparatuses are neither designed nor approved to capture shows them to still be non-mitigating for this hazard, and recommendations for their use should be immediately reconsidered. 

Why N95s Fail to Stop the Spread Read More

masks unethical

Masks Were Unethical by Design


Have those pushing increasingly restrictive apparatuses on children even stopped to consider the reality of what children are experiencing on a minute- by- minute basis? Children depend on us to provide safe educational settings, with make-believe reserved for play, absent from our methods of protecting the medically vulnerable. Yet in terms of schools and proper mitigation efforts, we failed them all. 

Masks Were Unethical by Design Read More

Un-mask the truth

Time to Unmask the Truth


It is astounding hypocrisy to recommend that young children wear masks in their own homes, then go maskless at an indoor crowded event a few days later. Health officials must immediately provide policy-level evidence of the direct benefit of masking to kids themselves or be willing to defend their misguided and harmful advice in a debate. Please embrace informed consent and patient autonomy, stop allowing our children to be used as pawns in militaryfear propaganda, and as adult COVID-19 shields.

Time to Unmask the Truth Read More

A Day in the Life of a Masked Child


A child needs to experience compassion, mercy, kindness, love and caring in order to relate to himself and to the world as fundamentally good. A child bereft of this grows up experiencing deep emotional trauma and scarring. Parents passively allowing their children to be tormented by the mask regime (and other isolation measures) create a profound break in their children’s sense of stability generally, and sense of trust and stability in/of their parents’ love and commitment to them.

A Day in the Life of a Masked Child Read More

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