
Philosophy articles feature reflection and analysis about public life, values, ethics, and morals.

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The New Parasitic Leviathan


The consolidation of a non-democratic form of governance that relies on external sources of authority should be a matter of concern to all. A state that functions via emergency rule based on authority that does not derive from citizens is a dangerous one. It is a hollow state that can only function with external justifications and is no longer a democratic state.

The New Parasitic Leviathan Read Journal Article

Are We Falling as Rome Did?


If our civilization collapses, it won’t be because of an outside attack, like Bedouin charging in from the desert. It will be because of those among us who, like parasites, destroy us from within. Our civilization may collapse and it could be due to any number of factors—war, the economy, natural disasters—but the silent killer, the one that may get us in the end, is our own moral catastrophe.

Are We Falling as Rome Did? Read Journal Article


The Market Still Loves You


The theme is meaning. Not big meaning but meaning in small things. The meaning of everyday life. Finding friendship, mission, passion, and love in the course of working out one’s life in the framework of a commercial society, which should not be narrowly construed as only a way of paying bills but rather should be seen as the instantiation of a life well lived. We were not doing a good job of that, so my thinking was to inspire people to come to love what we take for granted.

The Market Still Loves You Read Journal Article

Why did the Left Fail the Covid Test So Badly?


I am truly grateful for all that John Pilger and his companions in the leftist propaganda dissection cadres have taught me over the years. But as Ortega y Gasset said, a public intellectual is only as good as his ability to remain at the “height of his times.” Sadly, this group of otherwise talented individuals has failed this test, badly, over the last two-plus years.

Why did the Left Fail the Covid Test So Badly? Read Journal Article

Golden Calf

Mitigation Is the Golden Calf


It was evident to me from the early days of the lockdown that something very cult-like was occurring. When quite literally nothing happened during those first 15 days to justify the lockdowns, the mantra of “just wait two weeks” was on the lips of the believers of the Branch Covidians, much like how a doomsday cult leader is allowed to pick new dates when the aliens don’t show when they are supposed to. 

Mitigation Is the Golden Calf Read Journal Article

Memories of the Before Times


Oddly, living now in the purple-to-red rural America that my former “people,” the blue-state elites, are conditioned to view with suspicion and distrust, I also have more personal freedom than I did as a member of the most privileged class. The most privileged class does not have the greatest privilege of all, that of personal liberty: it is a class that is continually anxious and status-insecure, its members often scanning the room for a more important conversation, its collective mind continually exerting subtle control, both socially and professionally, over other members of the “tribe.”

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Government by the People: Is It Possible?


You can bet that this real transfer of power to the people will be strongly resisted by most elite individuals and institutions. They will loudly proclaim every single reason they can think of for why it is a crazy, impossible idea, and get “experts” from their networks to loudly profess the silliness of even proposing the notion. This vitriolic denigration is exactly the measure of how badly we need to loosen their grip on power and change the system they have entrenched for their own benefit.

Government by the People: Is It Possible? Read Journal Article

No Holy Communion for the Sick, They Said


When a person is dying or in danger of death, this is the moment when their religion is most dear to them. It is not within the hospital’s jurisdiction to decide when you can or can’t confess your sins, receive Holy Communion and prepare to meet your maker. This abhorrent practice of refusing entrance to clergy must stop now.

No Holy Communion for the Sick, They Said Read Journal Article

The Appropriation and Corruption of Testimonialism

The Appropriation and Corruption of Testimonialism 


We must begin to stubbornly hold our places when both the powerful old, and the insouciant young, spring the “agree-with-my-sound-bite-version-of-the-truth-or-be- banished” gambit on us. Yes, they will amp up the volume to try and get us to cower and fold. We need to be stubborn and conflictive with them in ways that many of us never wanted, or believed we could be. 

The Appropriation and Corruption of Testimonialism  Read Journal Article

Klaus Schwab is the Sorcerer’s Apprentice


Schwab’s main allies are in the managerial class, indeed, they are at the pinnacle of that class being the CEOs of massive corporations. But an organization–a business–is fundamentally different than an economic and social system, and the methods that work for an organization don’t work for a complex system in which formal organizations are just a part. This is why, for instance, avatars of high modernist management and engineering, like Herbert Hoover and Jimmy Carter, failed miserably as presidents.

Klaus Schwab is the Sorcerer’s Apprentice Read Journal Article