
Philosophy articles feature reflection and analysis about public life, values, ethics, and morals.

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Why Did Covid Enforcement Target Religion?


Religious persons today are a threat, but not to public safety as the narrative instructs us. They are a threat to the idea that the state is to be worshipped above all else, to the religion that’s trying to take their place, to the idea that it’s possible to find a compelling and complete sense of meaning outside of the state.

Why Did Covid Enforcement Target Religion? Read Journal Article

Follow the Science, Reconsidered


Science is like a weathervane: it gives you information, which you can use to decide on a course of action, but it doesn’t tell you what to do. The decision belongs to you, not to the swirling metal rooster. A weathervane can tell you there’s a stiff wind coming in from the northwest, but it can’t tell you how to respond to the data. 

Follow the Science, Reconsidered Read Journal Article

Hey Covid, I’ve Got Religion


In the early months, while secular folks were exhorting everyone to stay home, stay safe, mask up, and all the rest, religious leaders began pushing back against what they saw as encroachments on freedom of worship. It wasn’t just church closures or bans on choral singing they opposed. They cried out against the whole worldview underpinning the rules, a mindset that reduces people to their health and risk status.

Hey Covid, I’ve Got Religion Read Journal Article

libertarianism rothbard and big tech

How Could We Have Been So Naive about Big Tech?


During lockdowns and medical mandates, the power of the state and its corporate allies truly reached its apotheosis, and failed us miserably. Our times cry out for justice, for clarity, and for making a difference to save ourselves and our civilization. We should approach this great project with our eyes wide open and with ears to hear different points of view on how we get from here to there. 

How Could We Have Been So Naive about Big Tech? Read Journal Article

How We Lost Agency and Acquiesced to Power 


Keeping the peace at all costs has become a sacred and unquestionable goal among large parts of our society, especially among its more credentialed sectors. This implacably strict pose positions multitudes into a spirit of acquiescence to power, no matter how dangerous or devastating the results.

How We Lost Agency and Acquiesced to Power  Read Journal Article

What Is Man That Science Art Mindful of Him?


The people who orchestrated isolation in nursing homes in 2020, who enforced malnutrition on hundreds of millions, who condemned millions of girls to servitude, are not doing so with ‘right’ or ‘wrong‘ in mind. They don’t accept that such fixed concepts exist. If there is nothing beyond the physical, then their actions are rational and cannot be wrong. 

What Is Man That Science Art Mindful of Him? Read Journal Article

How To Tame a Bureaucracy? Get Rid of It 


There needs to be a to-be-abolished list and any federal government institution with the word agency, department, or bureau needs to be on it. The last few years have shown us the power of these institutions and the devastation they can cause. The only sure way of preventing it from happening again is to put a hard stop on all the bureaucracies that caused our suffering. Society itself, which is smarter than bureaucracy, can manage the rest. 

How To Tame a Bureaucracy? Get Rid of It  Read Journal Article

My Gratitude For the Apologies and Sincere Expressions of Regret


I’d like to send a special note of thanks to all those friends and family members who, after sniggering behind my back that I had gone off my rocker, or had suddenly become an unthinking and selfish Trumpite, sent their sincere apologies for what they said about me, and how I had fallen into mindlessly and obsessively repeating Q-Anon memes. 

My Gratitude For the Apologies and Sincere Expressions of Regret Read Journal Article

Truth and Art in the Pandemic Era


If you’re an artist and you’re trying to grow your Instagram following and you start posting anything that calls into doubt like ‘The Science,’ you’re going to be shadowbanned. You’re not going to be in front of those eyeballs. Art that aligns with the mainstream narrative, however, is rewarded.

Truth and Art in the Pandemic Era Read Journal Article

The Brutalization of Compassion 


During the Covid era, we see the same schema writ large in the responses taken by governments across the globe. For the first time in human history, the availability of mass-testing allowed us to convince ourselves that we could measure the health of the population, holistically, in real time, and to generate precise statistics permitting us to do so – right down to the last ‘case’ or ‘death’. 

The Brutalization of Compassion  Read Journal Article

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