Public Health

Analysis of public health, social and public policy including impacts on  economics, open dialog, and social life. Articles on the topic of public health are translated into multiple languages.

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The Next Ten Battles


Finally we come to the biggest problem of all. What kind of society do we want to live in and build? Is it based on the presumption that freedom belongs to all and is the best path for progress and good lives? Or do we want the rights of the people always to defer to the mandarins in the walled-off bureaucracies who give orders and expect only compliance and no challenge to their rule? 

The Next Ten Battles Read Journal Article

New Zealand Used Selective Science and Force to Drive High Vaccination Rates 


It’s probable that the mountain of legislation produced over the last two years never fulfilled democratic norms of accountability and transparency. For science in a pandemic to be harnessed to serve the public interest, the institutions that set those terms of reference must be guided by principles that protect health. 

New Zealand Used Selective Science and Force to Drive High Vaccination Rates  Read Journal Article

Must We Make a Case Against Dictatorship? 


Very few people really want to live in a world in which the administrative state exercises the sort of unmitigated power that the CDC, the DOJ, and the Biden administration are now advocating as a continuation of how we’ve done public affairs for the better part of two years. That system has led to disaster. To continue it will lead to more disasters still. 

Must We Make a Case Against Dictatorship?  Read Journal Article

Mass Testing: The Fatal Conceit


While contact tracing and isolation may be important for some infectious diseases, it is futile and counterproductive for common infections such as influenza and Covid-19. A case is only a case if a person is sick. Mass testing asymptomatic and non-vulnerable individuals is harmful to public health, useless and expensive.

Mass Testing: The Fatal Conceit Read Journal Article

The Unmasking of America


What lockdowns and mandates have done to society is a painful truth, and one that we will be dealing with for many years. As much as we all just want it to go away, and as much as we all have great cause to celebrate this day, as much as the real of the mask mandate represents a symbolic end, no one should lose sight of the deeper problem: all of this happened to us, and not only to us but to billions of people the world over. 

The Unmasking of America Read Journal Article

Here’s Why No One Wants to Talk About Sweden


From a human perspective, it was easy to understand why so many were reluctant to face the numbers from Sweden. For the inevitable conclusion must be that millions of people had been denied their freedom, and millions of children had had their education disrupted, all for nothing.

Here’s Why No One Wants to Talk About Sweden Read Journal Article

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